Spiral in the Norway sky

We’ve all seen pictures of the Northern Lights before, but we haven’t seen anything like this.

Spiral in the Norway sky

Quite a few people observed a spiral (and a spinning one at that) in the Norway sky.  I haven’t seen any good explanations of the phenomena yet, but it’s all over the Internet.  Some of the Norway newspapers are sharing amateur pictures from witnesses.

Via this LiveJournal post (in Russian).

Google Suggest for different countries

In a discussion slightly related to yesterday’s post, Sanjay sent me screenshots of Google Suggest for the same query in Google.com and Google India .

Google.com search
Google.com search

Can you see the difference?  Now I wonder if Internet is the explanation (or one of them) for the India’s population growth in recent years.

Google India search
Google India search

Back in my day …

Awesome comic strip from AmazingSuperPowers.com (I had to crop and resize it a bit to fit into the width of this blog, so make sure you click through to see the original).

Back in my day

I’m glad our generation, while I am sure disappointing to many, actually brought something huge that wasn’t there in the previous generation.  Yes, I am talking about the Internet once again.  And yes, we got the point now where previous generation can actually use it – both of my parents are online now.