Current state of affairs keeps me silent

I am enjoying things that I do now, except that I can’t talk a lot about them. I am very much involved with a few companies right now and I surely can’t say what I am doing there. I have a few interesting plans that I can share just yet. And I have plenty of unfinished thoughts in my head, which should not come out, as they will probably hurt a lot of people as they are.

Exciting times, but not very much blogging fun…

In other news, the works have started on a new design for this blog. I don’t remember if I told you, so here it is again. Blog design matters. Even in our age of RSS feeds and email alerts. Blog design matters for the author. For me, at least. Currently, this blog’s design is not very representative. It’s very outdated. It does not show how I feel about blogging and does not help me be a blogger that I want to be. I don’t have links and tools integrated with my blog that I need, and the visuals of it do not inspire me.

That’s why there will be a radical change. This time the design will be done by a professional designer and it will be done specifically for this blog and will suit my needs and wants. It’s about time I invest into the new design after running my own and third-party themes for years.

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