Sin City in the movies

Since Olga’s 9th month of pregnancy, going to the movies became a very rare occasion for both of us. It still is. But when I saw “Sin City” on a pirated copy at home, I said that there was no chance that I would miss it in the movies.

Today I finally got a chance to see it on the big screen. I went together with Vladimir who I was waiting to return from his vacations in Paphos. And, boy, did we liked that movie!

It was all as good as I thought it would and even better. Size does matter sometimes and this was one of those times. It was great!

Yeah. If you still have a chance to see it in the movies – go watch it. It’s worth every penny.

Now. When is that DVD coming out?

Coincidence? I think not…

Maxim and I went to the beach early in the morning today, as usual. The weather seemed nice, but it was pretty harsh when we got to the sea. Misty clouds were filtering out a lot of sunshine and there was a very very strong wind. It was so strong that all the umbrellas by the sunbeds were closed to prevent them from braking.

The beach looked pretty empty too. It seemed that you had to be insane to enjoy the beach in conditions like this. Because of the limited sunshine and strong wind the water felt very cold too. I was questioning myself for reasons to stay. I was eager to go home. But Maxim seemed to enjoy himself and didn’t mind the weather at all. Since he is the main reason we go swimming, I decided to stay.

Continue reading Coincidence? I think not…

The Wedding Date

The Wedding Date (2005)Random movie choice – “The Wedding Date“.

Directed by: Clare Kilner
Genres: Comedy, Romance
Cast: Debra Messing, Dermot Mulroney, Amy Adams, Jack Davenport, Sarah Parish, Jeremy Sheffield, Peter Egan, Holland Taylor, Jolyon James, C. Gerod Harris, Martin Barrett, Jay Simon, Danielle Lewis, Ivana Horvat, Linda Dobell
IMDB raintg: 5.1
My rating: 4.0 [rate 4.0]

Continue reading The Wedding Date

Big Trouble in Little China

Someone gave me a copy of “Big Trouble in Little China“. I remember watching it when our family got our first VCR and as far as I could remember I liked the film. I was wondering what would be my reactions now.

Directed by: John Carpenter
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Adventure, Comedy
Cast: Kurt Russell, Kim Cattrall, Dennis Dun, James Hong, Victor Wong, Kate Burton, Donald Li, Carter Wong, Peter Kwong, James Pax, Suzee Pai, Chao Li Chi, Jeff Imada, Rummel Mor, Craig Ng
IMDB raintg: 6.7
My rating: 5.0 [rate 5.0]

Well, the film itself is pretty average. It has a good story that brings ancient Chinese mythology and martial arts into modern United States. The result is a good mix of action, mystery and humor.

The weak sides of the film are acting and dialogues. Actually, I think dialogues are to blame. They are so unnatural and artificial that anyone would have a problem performing them. But acting sucked too. Those few scenes which were natural were delivered very unconvincingly by most of the actors. Kurt Russel was trying though and did a better job than anyone. I also liked two Chinese guys out of the whole crowd. The first one was Victor Wong who played Uncle Egg. I’ve seen him in several movies and he is good everywhere. He has this charm that allows him to mix the look of old and poor with the goodness of the character. The second one was James Hong who played the main bad guy Lo Pan. Hong is a great actor and the one who contributed to a long list of movies (about 150 of them only as an actor).

On the good side, I was surprised by the quality of some special effects. Not all of them, but some. For example, that flying head with lots of eyes looked pretty cool even by today’s standards.

Overall the film was good, minus the dialogues and the acting. If you don’t mind these things much, than watch it – you’ll enjoy it. Otherwise, skip to something else.

Hit and run

I was sitting at home, watching movies and minding my own business, when Martin called me and told that I should come out. I wasn’t in the mood, I was in the middle of the film, and it was too hot outside, so I said no. But he insisted. His argument was very convincing – someone hit my car.

Continue reading Hit and run