Call the exorcist. Now.

I had a funny exprience today at the beach. Maxim and I went for the morning swim, as we usually do when I am not working. There weren’t a lot of people on the beach. Except for us, there were maybe five or ten people. And there were some more people further down the coast line.

Among our neighbors, there was this youngish grandmother with her granddaughter of approximately five or six years of age. After some sunbathing, both of them went into the sea water. The girl was playing naked near the shore, while her grandmother went for a little swim.

When she was coming back, her bra was slightly pulled down by the weight of the water and one of her boobies came out. Noone would have noticed it though if it wasn’t for the girl. Whad did she do? Well, the moment she noticed, she pointed her hand with a little index finger sticking out towards her grandmother and started laughing. I think I will never forget this laugh. It was very loud, disturbing and evil. It sounded like the Devil himself together with his closest 15 demons are heaving a hell of a party inside that girl.

Everyone on the entire Limassol beach line from Monte Caputo to new port turned around and looked at the poor grandmother, who smiled awkwardly and pushed her boobie back into the bra. Nothing to see here people, move along.

Supporting angels

I had a very strange dream today, which I liked none-the-less. I was dreaming that Olga was ill and that she was in the Intense Care Unit, much like she was there a couple of years ago. I was sitting next to her together with Maxim. We played some games with him, like rock-scissors-paper. He was about five or six years old, but I knew that it was him.

Maxim was obviously bored and tired and wanted to go home. At one point he asked me why we were spending the time in the hospital, sitting by the bed of his mother, when she was unconcious anyway and couldn’t see or hear us. And there were all these doctors to take care of her anyway.

What was so nice abot this dream you wonder? Well, the best part of it was the answer that I gave to Maxim. I told him that his mother needs the support of angels who don’t have any place to land if we leave, because the only place they can sit is our shoulders. And it is because of the heavy angels sitting on our shoulders that we feel uncomfortable and tired. The explanation was so good that Maxim calmed down, seated his butt on the chair, put his head on his heads and made this deep sigh. He was ready to stay as long as it was needed.

Needless to say I was pretty impressed with this dream…

Daily bookmarks

Today’s main theme is photography. There are all sorts of sites related to photography online: reviews, articles, photoblogs, political statements, events coverage, personal and group photoalbums.

Continue reading Daily bookmarks

The worst code ever

Today is the black day in my experiences calendar. I have seen the worst code ever. I found all that mess in our corporate intranet. It has been written by one guy who long left the company and noone looks at it nomore. Other programmers avoid it like a plague and prefer to write new code rather than make changes the existing one.

It is a really really horrible mix of Visual Basic, JavaScript, SQL, and HTML. I feel that the uglyness of Visual Basic contributed to the situation, although to write this crap one must possess some outstanding skills of crapy programming. Really. After a short consideration I realized that any file out of approximately two dozen can make the whole collection of The Daily WTF posts seem like a magically wonderful Christmas Eve.

It was that bad that the only good thing about it was that there were no comments. If there were any, they would have probably be cryptic, badly written, incorrect, and adding to the whole confusion.