Learning to See

The Luminous Landscape runs a great essey by Michael Reichmann called “Learning to See“. It discusses why there are so many websites that tell you everything and anything about the technology part of photography, and why theorical and vision-training resources are so rare. It also provides a few useful hints on how to train your photographic vision. Overall it is a nicely written piece which is easy and interesting to read. There is not so much new inforamation in there though.

Originally found at PhotographyBlog.

V boy idut odni “stariki”

I get a really strange feeling when watching very old films on digital media. “V boy idut odni “stariki”” was filmed in 1973. It is a movie about war pilots in the Second World War. It is definitely eye pitching and funny in inapropriate places for the modern viewer, but is defenitely worth the time, if you haven’t seen it. By the measures of Russian cinematography of 1970s it is a very strong movie with lots of sounds effects, excellent acting and musical accomponiment.

I’ll give it a 7 out of 10. A rusty 7. A 7 from long time ago. But still a 7.


Intersection” with Richard Gere, Sharon Stone, and Lolita Davidovich (what a name!) was on TV just now. I watched it from start till end and.. didn’t understand a thing. I was trying really hard, but… hmm.

In the beginning, they make it clear that Richard is going to die in the car accident. So, you already know the ending. Nothing really matters much from this point on. But, anyway… Richard played a reach architect who cannot decide if he should go live and get married with his lover Lolita, or stay with his wife Sharon and daughter. He is deciding back and forth for the whole movie. Of course, that gets both of them pissed. But not really pissed. Rather mildly disappointed. Everything thinks a lot, cries a lot, and falls into memories a lot. And than he dies in the car accident. Now that’s a movie to remember…

I won’t even go into the acting part. I’ll just give it a 4 out of 10. This movie would have been so much better if it was based on a totally other story. Yup.

Picture of the day

SignsToday is exactly one month since I’ve started the ‘Picture of the day’ project. One part of me is sceptic and cannot believe that a month past by. Another part of me is very proud. It is proud not of all that crap I put out on a daily basis, but about the dedication I put into it. I’ve learnt a couple of cool tricks along the way.

I was thinking if I should continue this or not, and if I should than for how long. On one hand, I am pretty bored with this already. On another hand it does teach me alot and I get constant practice. Yet on another, Chernobyl kid kind of hand, I have a couple of other projects in my head. I think I will continue with the ‘Picture of the day’ thingy for another month. I will also move the folder to be a part of, yet to be created, ‘Projects’ tree. I will also start with other projects and will let you know on how it goes. Stay tuned in other words.

Anyway, today I was shooting straight out of my car, while driving home from work. The funny thing I’ve noticed on the way are the signs of all those little workshops in the downtown. One of them was for signs. Somehow the guy head the dirtiest sign around. And his phone numbers were way too old (without mandatory 25 Limassol prefix). I can only imagine what kind of signs he can make. Hehe. Kind of my photos. But I don’t do them for money. Yet. Maybe I should.