Season of the Witch

Olga and I spent some time choosing which movie to go see today.  There are a few showing, but none of them sounds even remotely attractive.  After we went through all options, we decided to watch “Season of the Witch“.  At least the trailer was attractive.

The film turned out to be a disappointment.  Whilst it had some good acting and special effects, the story failed it miserably.  It was too shallow and too raw.  There seemed to be no purpose, no connection.   And there were way too many contradictions.  Maybe fifteen or twenty years ago, all that could be easily hidden behind the visual effects.  But not today.

Overall, I’d give it a 3 out of 5.  Don’t bother with the cinema – watch at home.

The International

The International

Yesterday I went to see “The International“.  It’s not an outstanding movie in any way, but a well executed film in one of the genres that I happen to enjoy – conspiracy.  (I’m not even sure that it’s a genre on its own)

Here you’ve got everything a good conspiracy movie should have – special agents, huge financial organizations, corruption, lots of assassignations, and a few good guys who are ready to do anything for justice.  And, as always, they need to get bad for a greater good.  All of that was mixed with gun fights, chases, good camera work, and some special effects.  And it had Clive Owen in it.  But the problem was that this film didn’t have anything (or not much at least) of original stuff.  It was very much cliche.

Recommended for the fans of the genre.  An overall of 7 out of 10.