Kali Tools – Linux distribution for penetration testing

kali tools logo

Kali Tools – a special purpose Linux distribution for performing penetration testing.  A long list of tools is split into the following categories:

  • Information gathering
  • Vulnerability analysis
  • Wireless attacks
  • Web applications
  • Exploitation tools
  • Forensic tools
  • Stress testing
  • Sniffing & spoofing
  • Password attacks
  • Maintaining access
  • Reverse engineering
  • Hardware hacking
  • Reporting tools

On test strings

I’ve seen my fair share of test strings, varying from simple ‘test’, ‘foo’, and ‘blah’ to automatically re-generated Lorem Ipsum paragraphs.  But I don’t really remember seeing anything more weird than this one:

$string = "I am not a question. How was your day? Sex On Hard Concrete Always Hurts The Orgasmic Area. Why does custard taste so lumpy when you use breast milk?";

From this StackOverflow answer.  Is there a tool that does this?  I wouldn’t mind using it in my daily work.

Bitbucket Pipelines Beta announced

BitBucket blog announces Pipelines Beta (coincidentally after I’ve spent about a week playing with Jenkins).  These guys are dropping their Bamboo Cloud CI solution and instead provide this:

It looks a lot like TravisCI, but on steroids!  Very good news!

Continuous Integration Servers

build results

Here’s a list of Continuous Integration (CI) servers / solutions for those who is still trying to choose:

Via volkswagen.

Doing Terrible Things To Your Code

a good programmer knows they have to do terrible things to their code. Do it because if you don’t, I guarantee you other people will, and when they do, they will either walk away or create a support ticket. I’m not sure which is worse.

Jeff Atwood