Distributed architecture concepts I learned while building a large payments system

Gergely Orosz, an engineer who worked at Uber on the large scale payments system used by the company, shares some of the distributed architecture concepts he had to learn in the blog post titled “Distributed architecture concepts I learned while building a large payments system“.

The article is very well written and easy to follow. But it’s also a goldmine of links to other resources on the subject.  Here’s a list links and concepts for a quick research and/or click-through later:

How Fast Is Amp Really?

With Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) being all the rage recently, I found “How fast is AMP really?” article interesting.  It looks like it’s worth spending a tiny bit of time adding AMP to your site, especially if it was developed with one of the common and widely used tools, like WordPress.  And if mobile page performance is important for your project, than there’s even more that you can benefit from.

HTTP/2 Server Push with PHP

A few days ago I blogged about the exciting news from the Nginx about the support for HTTP/2 Server Push.  It’s good to see that this is getting picked up pretty fast.  Here are a couple of examples:

Mainstream support and implementation alternatives are not too far away, and that’s super exciting.

TOP 10 MySQL 8.0 features for DBAs & OPS

Here’s a list of the TOP 10 MySQL 8.0 features for DBAs and OPS, with some detailed explanations of what they are and links to more information.  The features covered are:

  1. Temporary Tables Improvements
  2. Persistent global variables
  3. No more InnoDB System Tables
  4. Reclaim UNDO space from large transactions
  5. UTF8 performance
  6. Removing Query Cache
  7. Atomic DDLs
  8. Faster & More Complete Performance Schema (Histograms, Indexes, …) and Information Schema
  9. ROLES
  10. REDO & UNDO logs encrypted if tablespace is encrypted

Nginx 1.13.9 and HTTP/2 Server Push

Here are some very exciting news from the Nginx front lines: HTTP/2 Server Push is now available in the latest and greatest Nginx 1.13.9, which was released yesterday!

Server Push was one of the most exciting features for me in all of the HTTP/2 specification.  But I wasn’t quite sure how it will be implemented, and, most importantly, how it can be made easily available to the web developers, who are often few levels removed from the web server configuration.  I think Nginx solves the problem quite elegantly.

On the configuration level, “location” directives are often available to the web developers withing the virtual host / server.  But for those who can’t use those or don’t want to mess around with the configuration files, an even easier option is available – Link HTTP header.

I’m sure this will soon be widely supported in all the major libraries and frameworks, much like HTTP cookies are.   Great times ahead!