
As I have mentioned yesterday, Maxim is not sleeping very well during the last couple of days. It’s not that big of a problem except for all three of us (my mother, Olga and me) behaving totally weird. We instantly forget what we were doing. We stop talking in the middle of the sentense. We drop everything we touch. We use sugar instead of salt and pepper instead of sugar. We all have red tired eyes. We all want to sleep.

Although a couple of days don’t seem like a long enough period, we are trying everything and anything we can think of to calm Maxim down and make him sleep for at least two and a half hours at a time. After yet another feeding today he wasn’t going to sleep, so I took him for a walk. We went on the balcony. Originally I planned to spend 10 or 15 minutes outside, which should have been more than enough to calm him down a bit. But when he fell asleep after three minutes of fresh air, I suddenly remembered that many parents recommend taking the kid outside for a better sleep. So we brought the cradle and put Maxim in it, covering him with a few rugs and blankets. He slept for 3.5 hours straight.

It was getting cold and dark outside when we decided to bring him back in. He stayed calm for another 20 or 30 minutes and than politely requested to be changed and fed. Now that’s a change! I will practice the outside therapy on him for another few days just to see if there are any changes to his sleeping trends.

Meanwhile, Maxim is three weeks old. This is yet another milestone.

Sucking the finger

For the last 6 days Maxim was cutting on the number of his feedings. He went from his usual 4 breakfasts, 2 lunches, and 2 dinners (8 meals) to a slightly easier 3 breakfasts 2 lunches and 2 dinners (7 meals). Probably he wasn’t eating any less, but just less often. His sucking powers increase from day to day.

Today though he was misbehaving throughout the day. There was probably too much gases accumulating in his guts, so he couldn’t sleep. He was crying and moving all the time which is one sure way to make him hunger. He went back to his 8 meals a day routine.

I was calming him down, when I remembered that I read somewhere that one can use the finger instead of the nipple to calm the baby down without feeding him. I was anxious. I washed my hands, checked my nails and put touch Maxim’s lips with my index finger. He immideately “ate” it and started sucking it. I was surprised about how much power a small baby like him can generate. He basically controlled my finger. There was nothing I could do. I couldn’t pull it out of his mouth. I couldn’t turn it. I couldn’t bend it. It wasn’t painful or scary though. It was weird. He lost interest in my finger in about 10 seconds and released me.

Crying continued…

Breast pads

Olga tried a few brands of breast pads. Out of all of them, Chicco was proclaimed the best. They absorb milk between feedings better than any other brand, leaving nipples dry and comfy. Being dry is an essential thing for nipples if you don’t want them to hurt.

A box with 30 pieces of Chicco breast pads costs about 3.50 CYP and can be purchased almost in any farmacy (in Limassol that is).

Pity and pride

Maxim makes me have a lot of feelings and emotions throught the day every day. These are mostly new to me, so I’ll try to blog about them. This will help me understand myself better and might even provide some entertainment for you.

The most common feeling by now is pity. I feel enourmous pity when something is wrong with Maxim. When he has a running nose or when gases in the stomach give him pains or when he can’t go to sleep – all of these make me feel miserable. I would wish for anything to happen to anyone in the world, even to me, but not to him. Every time I try to cope with this pity thing and every time it gets all over me.

Today I’ve got a new feeling – a feeling of overwhelming pride. Maxim had pains because of the air bubles in his guts. He couldn’t sleep. He couldn’t calm down. He was in pain. I took him in my hands and was massaging his belly for about an hour. I gave him a sip or two of the special tea. I warmed him up a bit in my hands. He calmed down and fell asleep. He was comfortable. He felt good. I put him back to bed and he didn’t even wake up. When I saw him sleeping in the bed with a half smile on his face I felt a lot of pride. It was like I singlehandedly won the First and Second World Wars.

Tricking the baby

Usually, when Maxim is hungry, he is greedily jumping on to the tit and sucking it like there is no tomorrow. He behaves like this when there were three or four hours since the last feeding. Sometime though we feed him just after a couple of hours and his behaviour is totally different. He is not very hungry and can afford some time for food preparation. He is jently licking the nipple before sucking on to it. He moves a bit trying to find the most comfortable pose. Etc.

Today he wasn’t very at all hungry for his 8:00pm feeding. He ate a bit and started playing with the tit. He was taking it into his mouse, licking, and pulling it, but not sucking. When Olga would take the tit out he was crying immidiately. So Olga went for a little trick. She put Maxim in his usual feeding position, layed near him like she usually does, but instead of the breast she gave him the soother. You just have to see it! Maxim was sucking on to it, but there was no milk coming, so he was increasing his sucking speed and power while grumbling at the same time with the soother in his mouse. This was totally hilarious. Basically he wasn’t hungry but just wanted to suck on to something. 10 minutes was enough for him to realize that he wants a change of activity.