Shopping for baby accessories

It’s been a while since we bought Maxim any new accessories. He is running out of soothers and his small bottle starts to be, well, too small. So I went on a raid to pharmacies around the town to find everything he needs.

The choice is great. There are so many companies making the same things, that my eyes weren’t focusing properly. MAM, NUK, Chicco, bibi, Avent, and many others are all represented.

The thing is that their brand names are all short words that were made easy for a baby to remember. In my head they all mix and match and I can’t remember what brand of what I wanted to buy. As a result, I managed to confuse a few items and get Olga pissed off (apparently, she told me what to buy like a zillion times). What can I say… I hope Maxim will suck on to what I got him.

And he should. In my days we had bits and pieces of old tyres for soothers and I dare not to mention what we were drinking from. Yet I am alive and kicking blogging.

I hope it is not what I think… not just yet!

Maxim sleeps very bad today. He wakes up, cries, and does stuff like that. That wouldn’t be too worrying, but he also slobbers! Now, I don’t know much about babies and I know only one scenario when the baby is capricious, sleeps bad, and slobbers at the same time. It happens when the teeth are coming out.

Teeth are usually coming at around 6 month of age, but sometimes they get as early as three. I just hope that Maxim is not trying to set any records of growing his first teeth at two and a half month.

Touchtyping practice

Maxim had his first touchtyping practice. He didn’t want to go to sleep and we were sitting near computer, so I though: “What the heck? Let him try.” Maxim seemed to be interested in what was going around. I sat him on my lap and showed him the keyboard. He was hypnotised by it! He coldn’t take his eyes off it. I gave him a couple of minutes to inspect it, and than moved it closer to him, so that he could reach it.

From that point on, I didn’t have to say or show him anything, he started banging at it with both of his hands. He was hitting mostly the space bar, right Crtl, right Alt, and sometimes touching upon the right Shift. Yey! He played with it much better than he usually does with his toys.

Now I wonder if that’s a good sign…

4 hours

Sometimes He sleeps for four hours and it makes us glad. When he repeats that we are slightly more than happy. When he does it again and again for two days in a row we have some difficulties finding a proper word for that…

Big scare

Maxim scared the heck out of us today. When he was laying on the bed, naked, about to be bathed, he moved his right hand all the way down and touched his balls. Can you imagine that? I almost fell unconcious. Luckily, we noticed it in time and corrected his posture.

For those of you who doesn’t understand what is so scary about a two and a half month old boy touching his genitals, here is a little hint: the said boy does not yet control his hands very well. If he grabs something, he uses all his strength to hold it. You get it now, don’t you? Add to this his constant will to put whatever his hands grab straight into the mouth. Yeah, that’s how scary it was – potentially hard-squizzed balls rpped off and sholved into the mouth!

We have to be more careful and watch him closer. At least until he would learn how to use his hands…