It’s been a while since we bought Maxim any new accessories. He is running out of soothers and his small bottle starts to be, well, too small. So I went on a raid to pharmacies around the town to find everything he needs.
The choice is great. There are so many companies making the same things, that my eyes weren’t focusing properly. MAM, NUK, Chicco, bibi, Avent, and many others are all represented.
The thing is that their brand names are all short words that were made easy for a baby to remember. In my head they all mix and match and I can’t remember what brand of what I wanted to buy. As a result, I managed to confuse a few items and get Olga pissed off (apparently, she told me what to buy like a zillion times). What can I say… I hope Maxim will suck on to what I got him.
And he should. In my days we had bits and pieces of old tyres for soothers and I dare not to mention what we were drinking from. Yet I am alive and kicking blogging.