Canon baby

Canon baby

I spent some time trying to catch one of Maxim’s priceless expressions. Somehow he can fire them out three a second, until I get the camera. Than it all changes and I have to do all sorts of tricks to make him smile or “think”, or even look in the right direction. As a result of such photoshoot, I usually get close to a hundred of images which are just 10 pixels different from each other. After a few tough choices regarding which images to keep, I am left without about half of the original images. Than I start to postprocess them and after going the half of them, I get bored and start experimenting with filters, crops, contrasts, and saturations. When I finish, I go through all of the images again and see if I can attach a comment to any one of them. And only than I publish them… And only than I look at them and see if I really like anything. Most of the times, I like just one or two pictures. The question is: if I like only one or two pictures out of a hundred, why do I bother with all the rest? I don’t know…

Album location: /photos/2005/2005-05-23_POTD

The magic of photography

My father-in-law called today morning and said that he will most probably come to visit us next week. I was really surprised to hear that. Last time he was here about one month prior to Olga’s and mine wedding. That is to say that he was here around June of 2002. Lots of things happened since than, including our wedding, Olga’s hospital adventure with gall bladder, and the birth of our son to name a few. Neither of this events caused him to come.

And than this sudden phone call today morning…

I was thinking about it and couldn’t figure it out. Why? Why now? And than Olga helped me out. Her father got some pictures of Maxim that we passed with Olga’s mother. He gets the pictures and calls us to let us know that he is coming within the next couple of days. It seems like a very strong correlation to me. Even if it’s not so, I’d like to think that it is.

The power of photography, so to speak…

On hair

While waiting in the queue for D.Simos today we had nothing better to do than watching other kids and making fun of them. Maxim looked superior to all of them no matter age and gender. And than we saw this girl…

She was brought in by a Cypriot couple. She couldn’t have been older than two weeks. Very small and fragile. Tiny even. But her head was covered with so much hair that I couldn’t believe my eyes! Maxim always had enough hair on his head to make us happy, but when this girl passed by I turned to him and said: “Hey, baldy, did you see THAT?” He looked back in confusion…

Still love you Max. You’re my baldy!

Three month

Three month. One quarter of the year. It is almost ubelievable how much time is in three month. Maxim is three month old today. I try to remember things that happened within the last three month of my life and I have only few blurry images in my head for all days except for today. It’s a good thing I keep blogging and photographing. This way I can go back to my memories much easier.

He’s growing so fast that sometimes I want to measure him three times a day. He learns a lot of new tricks every day. He tries new sounds. He attempts new facial expressions. He looks at more and more things around him. Things that we were gladly jumping about one week ago are a daily routine today.

We took him to pediatrician today for his three month check. We decided to stick with the simple vaccination plan and not give him any extras, so he has a vaccination day off today. His weight and size were measured. He weights 6600 grams and he is 63 centimeters long. These measurements confirmed out observations of his growth – he gained about a kilogram of weight in the last month. His measurements are closer to the upper (or maximum) curve rather than minimum or medium. He’ll probably be bigger than most of his peers. A bunch of other things were checked and everything appears normal and develops as planned.

Dr.Simos also made an appointment with nephrologist for 11th of July. He explained how to find the Makarious Hospital and said that during our next visit scheduled on 23rd of June, he’ll give us a directing paper for the registration there. Nephrologist should observe and investigate Maxim’s kidneys and shred some light on how serious his condition is and what are the positive limitations in his life (although Dr.Simos said that there will hardly be any).

Maxim bits

It’s been a while since I wrote anything about Maxim here. He is doing just fine. The main thing he is occupied right now with is growing. I can’t believe how fast he grows. It seems that every time I go to work or focus my attention on something rather than him, he gets bigger. And havier.

He also works hard on developing his skills.

We get to hear an impressive array of sounds coming out of his mouth. Sometimes he can “talk” for as long as twenty minutes. He tries to repeat what is said to him. He also sometimes makes noises and expects me to repeat after him. He studies my reaction.

Maxim can control his hands way better now. He can occasionally pick things (think toys) up. He can pass stuff from one hand into another or hold an item with both hands. He also tries to touch everything he sees. If he succeeds in grabbing an item, he also tries to taste it with his mouth.

And he smiles a lot. I mean really a lot. He has different smiles too. The one I love most of all is the that one I get when he sees me after a long break and recognizes me. At first, he stares at me, studing my face very carefully. Than there is a spark in his eyes, he opens his mouth, smiles widely, than takes his eyes off me and turns his head slightly to look at something else, and than looks back at me with the full smile. It all happens in about two seconds. And it is like he is saying: “Hey who are you? Oh, wait, I know you… I’ve seen you somewhere. Yes, your face is way too familiar! I got it! You are my dad! It’s good to have you back. Now I can concentrate on something else, because I know you’ll be here. Hey, there is a table… Are you still here? Sure you are! Cool!”. Maybe I’m imagening it, but I serious – it looks exactly like this.

I know that both Maxim’s grandmothers worry a lot about us not taking him outside enough. These worries are based on our behaviour when one or the other grandmother was here to take him out. No that both of them are gone back to Russia, we are walking Maxim ourselves. I take him to the park when I come from my night shifts. Otherwise Olga walks him. Or we can go tother with Olga. In fact, Maxim is spending so much time outside that the skin on his face and hands started to get a brown tan, although he is always in the shadow.

That’s about all I remember at the moment. Stay tuned for more to come…