Quest for baby chair

Maxim has grown up enough to have his own chair. Olga and I had already scouted Jumbo for a selection of chairs, but there was nothing that we wanted to buy immediately, so we left it for laters. Today laters came.

Basically, there are just a few requirements for a good baby chair.

  • Stable. It should be hard to overturn, slide, or otherwise misplace it. Maxim is gaining weight constantly and he is also getting more active. Falling from a meter or so high on the hard floor is the last thing we want for him.
  • Solid. Most of the baby furniture is made of plastic these days. Plastic is easy to break. If it’s not plastic it’s either metal or wood. Metal furniture often has plastic joints which kill the whole purpose of it. Wooden furniture often looks solid, but needs to be tried and tested.
  • Flexible. Baby chair is a piece of furniture that usually occupies a lot of space in all three dimensions. While at it, it should be more than just one position chair. It should either have more than position so that it could be used on both high and low levels, or it should be transforming into a low chair with a table. Or something like that.
  • Cheap. We are not going to save of safety, but I don’t want to pay three digit sum just because baby furniture manufactures think that I should.

So we were all set and ready to go and find that perfect chair.

Continue reading Quest for baby chair

Maxim’s view of the world

Maxim\'s view of the world

Many parenting books and websites have this suggestion to understand the baby’s world better: lay down on the floor and look around from the point of view of the child. Same things (furniture, people, etc) look very different from down there, they say.

Today I tried that and saw a totally different view of our living room. It was so different from the picture I am used to see that I decided to photograph it. Lots of chairs, a couch, a couple of armchairs and three tables create a forest of wooden legs. Fascinating. I should do it more often, I guess.

Album location: /photos/2005/2005-07-30_POTD

Maxim can sit

I can sit

Maxim can sit. He is more and more confident with every day. He can even balance himself for a minute or so. It’s funny to watch him. He looks around in amazement. New way of looking at the same things for him makes him puzzled sometimes. And we he gets tires and falls, Olga and I are laughing our bellies out. Because he never tries to do anything about his fall. He never sticks his hands out or anything like that. And when he falls down (sometimes on the face), he lookes even more confused. It’s like he can’t understand what just happenned. Fun.

Album location: /photos/2005/2005-07-29_POTD