Faces of Olympic Figure Skating
Tag: Olympic Games
Dear Google, here’s what I want for the next Olympics …
… I hope that in accordance with your mission “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful“, you will make that tiny little green “Live” word into a YouTube link, where I would be able to watch the game, without caring about in which country I currently am or which device I currently use.
Journalists at Sochi are live-tweeting their hilarious and gross hotel experiences
Journalists at Sochi are live-tweeting their hilarious and gross hotel experiences
London Olympics security craze – surface to air missiles
Yet another story from Slashdot:
I have to admit, when I first read about this I thought it was a hoax, but unfortunately it’s true. The UK government is considering placing surface-to-air missiles on residential buildings in London for the duration of the London Olympics. From the article: ‘The Ministry of Defence is considering placing surface-to-air missiles on residential flats during the Olympics. An east London estate, where 700 people live, has received leaflets saying a “Higher Velocity Missile system” could be placed on a water tower. A spokesman said the MoD had not yet decided whether to deploy ground based air defence systems during the event.
Once again proving to every TV watching idiot that “we are winning the war on terror“. Congratulations!
Winning The War On Terror
Cyprus Mail recently covered the security measures that are being taken in London for the preparations for the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Here are a few quotes:
SNIPERS in helicopters will patrol the skies over London
based on HMS Ocean, the largest ship in the Navy, anchored in the Thames
Fast jets will also be located just outside London
Rapier air-defence missiles will be located in London
1,000-strong quick reaction force will also be on stand-by
About 7,500 armed forces members will work as security guards
Royal Marines will be based on HMS Ocean
They will also patrol along the Thames.
HMS Bulwark and Royal Fleet Auxiliary Mounts Bay will patrol off Weymouth
Special forces will also be placed on high alert, as well as military explosive disposal teams and units with dogs to search vehicles and buildings.
The venue security allocation has also been dramatically increased by £271 million to £553 million after the number of security guards was revised up to 23,700, more than double the original estimate of 10,000.
Winning The War On Terror, aren’t we? I understand the need for security and all, but aren’t that going a bit too far? Ships, jets, helicopters, snipers, special forces, dogs, patrols, tens of thousands in personnel, over half a billion in funds… When and how will we come to our senses again?