Small blog birthday – 6 month

It has been about 6 month now since I have installed NucleusCMS and started some serious blogging. For the last 6 month I haven’t missed a day. Yup, that’s right. I gave you at least one post every single day. Actually, that was a bit more. According to the database, for the last 6 month I have posted about 600 items for you to enjoy. That is roughly 3 per day (600 item / 6 month = 100 per month. 100 items / 30 days =~ 3 per day). Just to give you a number to compare to – I have wrote roughly 400 posts during the 1.5 years before the upgrade.

And it seems that you do enjoy reading all of these, since my web server statistics indicate a constant growth in number of hits, visits, page requests, kilobytes transfered, and each and every other characteristic. Nothing else that I ever did increased the popularity of the site that much. It is also worth mentioning that you wrote more than 150 comments to my posts.

Anyway, happy birthday to the site. Thank you all for coming here. I’ll keep posting. :)