Internet Protocol version 10 (IPv10)

Heard enough about IPv4 and IPv6 yet?  Good.  Here’s something new for you – IPv10.

IP version 10 (IPv10) is a new version of the Internet Protocol,
designed to allow IP version 6 [RFC-2460] to communicate to
IP version 4 (IPv4) [RFC-791] and vice versa.

IPv6 20th birthday with 10% global penetration

Here’s some not so light coffee time reading on IPv6 – IPv6 non-alternatives: DJB’s article, 13 years later – an article that links, among other things to this Ars Technica article, which features some IPv6 statistics.  Summary?  Sure.  IPv6 RFC celebrates 20 year birthday this month with 10% global penetration.


Exponential growth year-on-year is good.  But the absolute numbers aren’t so bright yet.  Especially considering some of the areas where it wasn’t so successful.

Happy birthday, CloudFlare! Thank you for IPv6

Yesterday I received some very good news from the service that makes this website faster for people all around the world – CloudFlare.  In summary: it is CloudFlare’s first birthday since they went public, and to celebrate this they implemented an extremely easy to setup IPv6 gateway service.  Anyone using CloudFlare can enable the IPv6 gateway either for the whole domain or for specific hosts, and it only takes a couple of clicks.  Of course, I’ve done so and used a few testing tools around the web to confirm that my website is now accessible via IPv6 also.

Thank you, CloudFlare!  Happy birthday!  And please, by all means, keep doing what you are doing.

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