The History of the URL

The History of the URL is a brilliant compilation of ideas and resources, explaining how we got to the URLs we use and love (or hate) today.  In fact, the article comes in two parts:

  1. Domain, protocol, and port
  2. Path, fragment, query, and auth

Read them in whatever order you prefer. But I guarantee that you’ll have a number of different responses through out, from “Wow! I never knew that” and “I would have never thought of that!” to “No way! I don’t believe it“.

And here is one of the bits that made me smile:

In 1996 Keith Shafer, and several others proposed a solution to the problem of broken URLs. The link to this solution is now broken. Roy Fielding posted an implementation suggestion in July of 1995. The link is now broken.

Google releases Polymer 1.0, production ready

At a recent Google I/O 2015 conference, a production ready version 1.0 of Polymer library was announced.  If you are not familiar with this tool, and a brief description like:

The Polymer library is designed to make it easier and faster for developers to create great, reusable components for the modern web.

doesn’t help much, then you should definitely check the Get Started section.  You’ll love it!  Once you know what it does and how it works, check the current Catalog of the elements.

Via The Next Web.