PHP is dead…Viva le PHP!

Here’s a great post on why all those “PHP is dead” blog posts and forum threads are a complete load of crap.

Here’s the reality: nearly 80% of the internet is running on PHP as of 2018.

I guess PHP isn’t that dead after all.

PHP doesn’t scale. Riiiiiight. Wikipedia runs entirely on PHP and is the fifth most visited site on the internet. There’s also this little site called Facebook that uses PHP, ever heard of it?

My favorite quote from that blog post is this one:

PHP is the Fidel Castro of programming languages; after all Castro outlived five US presidents who ordered his assignation.

That’s a nice way to put it …

The story of a 44 year old bug … still alive today

If there’s only one thing you’ll read online today, make it this one.  Yes, it’s a rant.  But it’s brilliant.  It talks about an annoying bug in the Windows 10, which is still here today, in 2018, yet which routes from a decision made back 1974.  Love it!

Cold War on Ice

Cold War on Ice is an excellent documentary about the USSR vs. Canada ice hockey Summit Series 1972 games.  I find it to be quite balanced, showing the perception from both sides, featuring the interviews with the same people back in the day and their take on it now, and plenty of great footage.

It’s a must see for any ice hockey fan and history nerd.

The blast from the past

There are very few things that make you think of time and remind you how old you are like that email that I received another day.  Red Hat Bugzilla sent me an automated email about the update on the bug in Fedora 3 (!!!) that I commented on … in November of 2004.  Yeah, that’s good 13+ years ago.

This is so long ago, it’s almost unbelievable.  Back in those days, I was working at PrimeTel and even had a slightly different spelling to my surname.  Oh, boy.