TODO : Read more documentation

It’s after bits like this one, I think I should spend more time reading documentation:



Create a new transaction.

This routine should _never_ be called by anything other than RT::Ticket. It should not be called from client code. Ever. Not ever. If you do this, we will hunt you down and break your kneecaps. Then the unpleasant stuff will start.

TODO: Document what gets passed to this

RT::Transaction->Create() developer manual for Request Tracker 4.2.

SchemaSpy – Graphical Database Schema Metadata Browser

SchemaSpy – Graphical Database Schema Metadata Browser.  This is a tool written in Java that helps one to generate database schema documentation.  Have a look at some sample pages.  Those familiar with Graphviz will immediately realize that the tools is using dot for graphing tables and their relationships.  Those familiar with SugarCRM documentation will immediately notice that SchemaSpy is used for the API documentation.

Docracy – free legal documents

Docracy – free legal documents, or as they describe it on their website:

the web’s only open collection of legal contracts and the best way to negotiate and sign documents online

Very handy for things likes contracts, proposals, and non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). – a local cache of searchable documentation – a local cache of searchable documentation

I’ve heard about this project for a while now, but tried it only today.  This blog post left me no options.  And I’m glad.  Because DevDocs are absolutely awesome!