Bloglines went down

Bloglines went down. They had some problems with the database at first. They said that no data was lost, but some people just couldn’t login (like yours truly). They than returned back online. After a few hours they posted another notice saying that they need to replace some hardware which will cause another downtime. It looks like that “another downtime” had started a few minutes ago.

The good news are that Bloglines provides the way of exporting subscriptions into OPML files. The bad thing is that I remembered to do so when they went down. Thus, as you can see, my blogroll is not functional currently.

Bloglines “Related” Meme

Instructions from this entry in Joe Grossberg‘s blog:

Go to Bloglines. Find your own blog. (If it’s not there you can sign up and add it. If you don’t have a blog this one’s not for you.) Click related feeds. Post the top 5 (or more) on your blog.

For some strange reason, there are two identical feeds for my blog at BlogLines. They are unique except for the ID number. A bug? Anyway, I’ll use the first one that came out.

First few matches are other computer science in general and programming in particular blogs. Some of these are well-known, others are small and personal, like mine. After these technology blogs there were a couple of matches for general blogging (like Boing Boing). After that, a few general blogs in Russian language. And than a mix of developers, Russian, Linux, and blogging blogs.

I guess the “Related” thingy worked, although I didn’t rush into adding any of the matches to my reading list.

BlogLines Newsletter

BlogLines started publishing a newsletter. They are planning to share the knowledge of how people use RSS in general and BlogLines service in particular. Also all new trends and technologies will get their mentioning.

The first issue is here. New issues will be announced in BlogLines News feed.