BlogLines featured in Linux Journal

I found the January 2005 issue of Linux Journal on my table today. A quick flip through the pages got me interested on the article about BlogLines. Reuven M. Lerner wrote about BlogLines service in general and its API in particular. There is a small example script in Perl with WebService::Bloglines too.

While I was suspecting that there should be something like API with Perl module available, I didn’t ever finished the thought. Now that I know these are available, I should think a bit more on how to utilize them. The two primary usages – notification and blogrolling – would be interesting but they aren’t to me. I have way to many blogs for notification. There are always new items to read. Blogrolling is also provided by BlogLines and I am pretty satisfied with what they offer – no need for customization.

Still I should check it out some time…