Moblogging with WordPress and P800

Leonid in the park

One of the things that annoy me about technology is the amount of useless abbreviations and acronyms. Moblogging is one of them. Moblogging stands for mobile blogging, which was supposed to mean blogging from some mobile device, such as cell phone, smartphone, PDA, etc.

So here I am sitting in the park with my son and writing this post from my SonyEricsson P800. Does it matter? I think not. I can do all I want from here. All WordPress functionality is available to me. I can even take and post pictures, if I feel like it.

So, I wonder, why do we need yet another acronym, that adds or imoroves nothing?

Maxim in the park

Konqueror and BlogLines

My Firefox gave up on me today after I played a bit with its settings once again. I am still hoping that it will return from the NoGo land without the reset of the profile. In the meanwhile, I fired up Konqueror and decided to use it for a while. It has matured a lot since the last time I used it for web browsing and I can even say that it can handle most of the sites that I use correctly.

The most annoying problem so far is with Bloglines. Clicking on items in the left panel does not work at all. The only way to read new stuff is by clicking on the folders which is way too far from convenient. I have over 500 new items in some folders and loading them all at once doesn’t do me any good.

I’ve googled for the solution for a bit, but didn’t find anything. If you know by any chance how to overcome the issue, please let me know. If I will find the solution myself, I will update this node to include it.

P.S.: I am using Konqueror 3.3.1 from the Fedora Linux Core 3 installation.

Blogs in Business Week

Business Week coverYet another proof that blogs are in the mainstream – Business Week has a feature article about them. Read more about it here.

I wonder how blogging will be affected longterm with all the business fuss around it. Anyone who’s been using the web for just a few years knows that whatever gets the attention of commerce gets spoiled and useless. Hopefully, blogs will change that…

Fighting spam in comments

I’ve been getting some spam in the comments recently. I must say that since the upgrade to WordPress the amount of spam I am getting has drastically decreased, but it hasn’t disappeared. Fighting spam in comments and trackbacks, it turns out, is yet another area where WordPress rules.

WordPress has some built-in mechanisms for combatting spam, as well as a number of external tools, hacks, and plugins.

For the time being, I have enabled premoderation for comments matching certain words. I have also checked all options except for ‘An administrator must approve the comment (regardless of any matches below)’, which I don’t want to do at the moment.

Let me know if new settings cause any problems.

Update: This is a quick update to let everyone know that changes helped a lot. I am getting all those comments which used to show up in my “Waiting for approval” queue. I mark them as spam and off they go. WooHoo! :)

Xhtml Friends Network

Xhtml Friends Network (XFN) is yet another area of the blogging world. XFN is a technology that can be used to build human relationships networks. Basically, it is an addition to XHTML standard, which allows to mark URLs with a number of relationships, such as acquaintance level, wheather you’ve met a person or not, if he is a part of your family and wheather you are working with him or not.

The URL marking is really easy, but I wouldn’t have bothered with it, unless WordPress supported it. In fact, I’ve learned about this technology from the WordPress. It supports the XFN by default and provides an excellent management interface in the links administration section.

I have therefor marked all my links in the sidebar with appropriate XFN tags and I have also submitted my site for spidering.