Location: Limassol
Tag: animals
National Geographic: Best Photos of 2016
National Geographic published its selection of the best photos of 2016.
Here is a gallery of National Geographic’s 52 best images of the year—curated from 91 photographers, 107 stories, and 2,290,225 photographs.
Some are, as always, absolutely amazing. Some are not so much. For a global collection of pictures, it’s surprising to find the word “Yellowstone” mentioned 13 times on the page.
This one is my favorite:
Of those with people in them, I liked this one:
The harasser
The beast
HTTP Status Dogs
HTTP Status Dogs – Hypertext Transfer Protocol response status codes. And dogs. If you are even a tiny bit familiar with HTTP or dogs, this will put a smile on your face. I’m thinking to use these as default error pages from now on.