Clockwork – PHP developer tools integration for Google Chrome

Clockwork is a PHP library and a Google Chrome extension that work together to provide a new tab in the Google Chrome DevTools for PHP developers.  The tab contains all sorts of useful information such as variable values, application tracing, timing, and more.

PHP-ML – Machine Learning library for PHP

PHP-ML is a machine learning library for PHP.  Given, PHP is probably not the best choice when it comes to machine learning, but sometimes one is limited in technology stack choices, so it’s good have options like this one.

Fresh approach to Machine Learning in PHP. Algorithms, Cross Validation, Neural Network, Preprocessing, Feature Extraction and much more in one library.

Here’s the documentation for more details.

jq and jo – handy CLI tools for working with JSON

Here are a couple of really useful command-line tools for anybody working with JSON.  The first one is jq, which is a somewhat wider known JSON processor.  Here’s a nice tutorial with many examples of how this tool is useful.  The second one, is jo – a command-line tool for easier creation of JSON output.

Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs

Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs” is one of those quick and easy guides to the modern world of JavaScript, written for people who learned to code in the language back in the 90’s and now have to come back or manage those hipster kids who use JavaScript as the only solution to every problem.

As the article tries to stay brief and simple, it doesn’t go into many different corners of the JavaScript language.  Instead it focuses on the package management with bower, npm, webpack, etc.