

The other day I went to see “Killshot“.  Enjoyed it quite a bit.  It’s not the movie that you’d want to buy on DVD and see a few times, or be much interested in the “making of …”.  But it makes for a good movie time in the cinema.

The film is an interesting mix of crime and drama.  Crime movies are well known for the “easy kills”, where people die during the course of the film with audience not paying much attention to it.  Every dead person is just an obstacle on the way – gone when dead.  In “Killshot” it’s different.  People, both good and bad, have lives, have their own ways to live them, solve their own problems.  And they all of them get into this situations where they don’t necessarily want to be.  And those situation change them, affect the way they live their lives…

It’s nice to see Mikky Rourke on the big screen again.  Joseph Gordon-Levitt played really well too.  The rest tried but dialogues were a bit setting them off.

Overall, a 7 out of 10.

Journey to the Center of the Earth

Journey to the center of the earth

Watched “Journey to the Center of the Earth” on the plane’s tiny LCD screen, with really horrible headphones.  And wasn’t impressed at all.  Yeah, maybe I missed a whole lot of special effects, but the movie still sucked.  It felt like a really cheap attempt to recreate one of the Brendan Fraser action-adventure movies.  They’ve got Brendan, but failed at everything else.

5 out of 10

My Mom’s New Boyfriend

Watched “My Mom’s New Boyfriend” (aka “Homeland Security) on the plane.  The film does not deserve much.  It couldn’t be spoiled by tiny LCD screen with really poor image quality and the most horrible headphones that I ever plugged into my ears.  The story is simplistic and predictable.  Most of the dialogs are horrible and were only saved by the actors themselves.  There was no high or low point in the film – it was all on the same level, and that level was pretty low.  It’s a pity to see both Antonio Banderas and Meg Ryan in a film like this.

5 out of 10.

House M.D.

House M.D.

It’s my second week now of being hooked to “House M.D.” series.

Yes, I’ve been warned a few times that it is very addictive, and yet I decided to watch a couple of episodes.  Every day now I am staying late and waking up early just to see yet another episode.   The surprising thing is that I tought I’d get bored of it pretty soon – stories in every episode are very similar, characters behave in the same way, and jokes follow the same pattern.  However there is something slightly different about every episode that makes me want to see the next one.

So far, I am up to episode 11 of the 3rd season.  First season was very introductory and fun, except for that episode where Dr.House explains what happened his leg.  That episode alone was an excellent movie in itself, even if just 45 minutes long.  Second season was a bit more boring.  Third season is way more exciting, with this whole cop drama.

Also, I am sort of glad that I have the Russian version of the series.  I can hear how bad the translation is and that it misses quite a bit, but listening to all that terminology in English would really bore me to death.  I can’t undertand that stuff in Russian, but at least I can somewhat guess of the whereabouts.

Anyway, be warned that the series are very addictive and if you get hooked, you’ll spend a lot of time watching it – 6 seasons x 24 episodes x 45 minutes per episode adds up to a lot of time.  But if it happens that you try it and like it, you’ll have quite a bit to enjoy.  Make up your own mind.

Frost / Nixon

Frost / Nixon

A few days ago I went to see “Frost / Nixon“.   A movie with the one of the USA presidents in the title?  Just a few days since the whole world has watched the most hyped up inauguration of the USA president in history?  And just a few days since I’ve watched another political movie about yet another predisent of the USA – “W.“?  Yes, of course.  Plus there was a surprisingly high rating over at IMDB.

And it happens to be a really good movie.  I’m a total loser when it comes to history, so I can’t really say how accurate the film is, but from the movies point of view it was excellent.  I really liked the simplicity of the overall setup – it felt like everything happened in the single room, even though it is not true.  It also felt like there were only two people in the film, even though that wasn’t true either.  It felt like there was nothing else, even though that again wasn’t true.  It’s just that type of a movie which has a lot of tiny details which are unnoticable on their own, but which build up the film to be what it is.

Another thing which I thought was done really well, was the drama.  A big man with the weight of his mistakes and, seemingly, the whole country pointing fingers at him – yet resistent to accept his guilt, finding ways to see everything from other perspective, however feeling the burden deep inside.  And then another man, much smaller one, but with his head high due to all the publicity and success around him.  And like they say in the film, there is this moment in the ring where a challenger receives the first punch from the title holder and suddenly, in split second, understands the seriousness of the situation.  This was built up and shown very well.

As noted above – tonnes of work went into making of this film and the result is great.  Because of all the acting, camera work, light, make-up, sound work, etc, etc, etc this film is one of those fresh breezes even though it has an “oldish” touch to it.

5 stars.  Recommended, even if you are not into politics.