Google Chrome color profile

My good friend and colleague Michael Stepanov has been recently annoyed by some weird color offsets on his external screen in Fedora 26.  Turns out, it wasn’t the external monitor, video card, or cable issue.  The problem was with the new Google Chrome and its choice of the color profile.  The solution was found in this Reddit thread:

  • Open new tab and type there chrome://flags
  • Find option “Force color profile” and set it to “sRGB”
  • Restart Chrome and enjoy blue as blue 🙂

jq and jo – handy CLI tools for working with JSON

Here are a couple of really useful command-line tools for anybody working with JSON.  The first one is jq, which is a somewhat wider known JSON processor.  Here’s a nice tutorial with many examples of how this tool is useful.  The second one, is jo – a command-line tool for easier creation of JSON output.

htop explained

htop explained” is a very detailed guide into the htop Linux system monitoring tool.  Even if you are an experienced Linux user, and even if you are not a fan of htop (why aren’t you?), you will still find this guide useful, as it goes into a lot of detail on how htop figures out all the values and where Linux keeps bits and pieces of system information.