OctroTree – Google Chrome extension for browsing GitHub code repositories

OctroTree – Google Chrome extension for browsing GitHub code repositories.  I promise you, this is one of those things that you wouldn’t believe you lived without before.  Fast, convenient, with support for private repositories (via API access token), GitHub Enterprise, and keyboard shortcuts.  Absolutely essential for anyone who is on GitHub!


TODO : Read more documentation

It’s after bits like this one, I think I should spend more time reading documentation:



Create a new transaction.

This routine should _never_ be called by anything other than RT::Ticket. It should not be called from client code. Ever. Not ever. If you do this, we will hunt you down and break your kneecaps. Then the unpleasant stuff will start.

TODO: Document what gets passed to this

RT::Transaction->Create() developer manual for Request Tracker 4.2.