10 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True

10 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True – some I’ve heard about before, some are new to me.  I’ll keep the list here for further reading and research.

  1. The Gulf of Tonkin Incident
  2. Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
  3. Project MKUltra
  4. Operation Northwoods
  5. CIA Drug Trafficking
  6. Operation Mockingbird
  8. Operation Snow White
  9. Secret Global Economic Policies
  10. The US Government Illegally Spies On Its Own Citizens

The worlds collide: jsphp and php.js

I guess we can consider the overlapping between PHP and JavaScript worlds complete.  Just within the last couple of days I separately and independently came across two different projects:

  • jsphp, which is a pseudo-implementation of the ECMA 262 standard (JavaScript 8.5.1) for PHP 5.3+
  • php.js, which is a resource that offers community-built JavaScript alternatives to PHP functions

So now you can use JavaScript-like stuff in PHP, and PHP-like stuff in JavaScript.  Boom!

Microsoft Desktop Backgrounds

After the upgrade to Fedora 22 last night, I was looking for a new desktop background image, to change the mood.  Surprisingly, one of the top search results pointed me to the Microsoft website, which has a selection of some really good background images.   Backyard bonfire works well for me.

Backyard bonfire
Backyard bonfire