Mobilegs Crutches

I hope I’ll never need to use any crutches, but if I ever do, I’ll probably settle for a pair of these.  I’ve shown them around to a few people, and each one of them who tried walking with the regular crutches, agreed that Mobilegs Crutches are superior in design.  I found them while reading “design is everybody’s business“.

2.  Purposeful – We design to solve a problem.

When one of Herman Miller’s designers, Jeff Weber, broke his foot, he realized how awfully-designed crutches were.  Not just uncomfortable, they can damage nerves, arteries, and tissue, and it’s easy to slip and cause more pain or more injury.  So he went about designing a better crutch (Mobilegs).  This is a perfect example of the purposefulness that informs the company’s designs.

This is What Snake Venom Does to Blood!

I’ve seen numerous TV programs and documentaries about snakes.  But none of them has been this crystal clear.  Here is a full understanding of how screwed you are if the snakes bites you, in just over a minute.  Just imagine your blood turning into this jelly while inside your veins! How much heart work would be needed to push it through, and how useful that would be to your muscles, internal organs, and the rest?

Via The Laomedon!

The Most Important Tech Company You’ve Never Heard Of

The Most Important Tech Company You’ve Never Heard Of

Information about every cell phone in the country is in a Neustar database. Which is why it’s kind of weird that 400 or so companies trust them to deal with law enforcement surveillance requests.


Requiem For A Digg

Requiem For A Digg

To me, the most interesting aspect of the Digg story is just how much of a central role the service has played in the larger story of our current tech scene. It was a key catalyst in the era of social that we now live in. And the company’s diaspora has seeded many of the current crop of services we all use. In some ways, the sale to Betaworks really is the end of an era.