Corporal punishment at schools

Here we are, at 21st century, talking about a reform or a revolution in the education (with the likes of Ken Robinson), discussing how far behind the modern schooling systems are and how disconnected they are from the realities of the world and things like the Internet, and yet, corporal punishment at schools is still a reality.  And I’m not talking about some small forgotten country in the middle of the poor Asia or Africa, but the United States of America.  Yes, you’ve heard me right!  The citadel of democracy and the flagman of all things digital still allows kids to be beaten at schools.  And not only allows – there are still schools that exercise that right.  Read more at the Online Schools’ Education Debate.

 so many would be surprised to learn that 19 U.S. states still have laws on the books that allow the administration of corporal punishment in school


the Holmes County High School, where corporal punishment is practiced with support from school employees and students. There are no state-wide regulations in place on how physical punishment is to be administered, so Holmes Country has designed its own. The wooden or fiberglass paddles that the school principal Eddie Dixson uses are locally sourced: made by students taking wood shop class.


Before and after : aging celebration

First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who called, emailed, tweeted, facebooked, skyped, or sent me birthday best wishes via any other means.  I got all of them, and it means the world to me.  One thing all my birthdays have in common is they remind me of all the wonderful people that I am surrounded by.  Thank you all.

Secondly, a few of my younger friends, inquired as to how is being 34 years old different from being 35 years old.  As easy as the question seems, the answer is quite complex.  To ease up with the explanations, I’ve decided to create the visual aid that you can see below (excuse my poor skills of a graphical designer).

As poor as the image quality is, I think, the illustration does answer the question.  Please feel free to let me know if you need any clarifications.

Thirdly, please don’t think bad of me for not inviting you to my birthday party.  There was none this year.  With Easter coinciding on the same Sunday, I felt it was slightly inappropriate to compete with religious celebrations.  Especially given the rainy weather and out-of-country trips for a few must-be-there guests.  Excuses, excuses, I know.  I was just too lazy to arrange all things in time.  Until the next year.

Once again, thank you all for warm words and wishes. I had a good one!

Weekly digest – 2012-04-15