Day in brief

  • Here is a marketing tip for you from the customer point of view: don't call your product/service innovative. It's not up to you to decide. #
  • Bennigans was fun.They served us well with both food and drinks,made a few jokes in the process,and even gave us a discount.Awesome Guiness. #
  • 11:57pm. 3 minutes to midnight. Too bad it's not Christmas Eve or New Year Eve… #
  • Hello from Fedora 14. Upgrade (preupgrade) went very smooth. Everything works. No fixing needed. No visible changes either. :) #
  • Too bad: Cyprus Rally this year is not part of the WRC. It's some lame IRC. Boo. #
  • I favorited a YouTube video — The 8pen #
  • Laptop fan melted chocolate of a Kinder Surprise egg that was nearby. My headphones got in the middle of that mess. I almost put them on. #

Type while walking problem solved

Even though I don’t ever type when I walk or drive, I can still aware of the problem.  And I think that this solution – a mobile phone application, which uses the camera to project the image in front of you as the background of your text entry – is really genius!  Simple, straight-forward, and utilizing available resources.

Via Download Squad.

Welcome to Cyprus

I’ve said it a few times that one of the good things about Cyprus is that there are so many people from so many different cultures living in peace here.   But I rarely actually researched how many foreigners are here and from which parts of the world they come.  I just judged by my own experiences.  Cyprus Mail runs the article which is interesting in this regard.

ALMOST ONE third of Cyprus’ population is made up of foreigners, including other EU citizens, nationals of third countries and illegals, according to statistics for 2009.

Day in brief

  • Something's wrong with Gmail spam filter.I got more spam the last few days than ever.Like 2-3 spam messages per day.Still better than most. #
  • An extra hour for this weekend. Yey! #
  • As much as I love the taste of the white beers, I hate the mild hangover they give the next day. Even if I drink half my larger dose. Weird. #
  • At Pehnidotopos with Maxim. Kids, noise, play, ham and cheese sandwich. #
  • It's 5:39 and pitch black outside. Gotta get used to the new time… #