Monitoring tree of Linux processes

Once in a while there is a need to see the tree of processes on a Linux system.  When such a need arises, I usually run “ps auxw –forest“, which results in something like this (partial output, top only):

/bin/ps auxw --forest

Today, via this blog post, I’ve learned that there is another way – “pstree“.  This command accepts a number of parameters, but in its simplest form, results in something like this (partial output, top only):


On my Fedora box, /usr/bin/pstree is a part of the psmisc RPM, which is the one that brings /usr/bin/killall to the system.

On browser compatibility

Here is a quote for you on browser compatibility from an excellent book Diving Into HTML 5, which is available online.

The last time I tried to count, there were 5 doctypes that triggered “almost standards mode,” and 73 that triggered “quirks mode.” But I probably missed some, and I’m not even going to talk about the crazy shit that Internet Explorer 8 does to switch between its four — four! — different rendering modes. Here’s a flowchart. Kill it. Kill it with fire.

And just in the flowchart link will break anytime soon, here is a copy of the image.