- I favorited a YouTube video — Litchenburgs http://youtu.be/eOIjojahMOI?a #
- I favorited a YouTube video — My Cubicle http://youtu.be/Hjhi_FHxY8k?a #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Squeaky Old Folks http://youtu.be/MSG7Nx7D2QQ?a #
- I favorited a YouTube video — More World's Funniest Car Commercials (Pt 2) – From The… http://youtu.be/2ZC_8sMEd-E?a #
- I favorited a YouTube video — World's Funniest Car Commercials (Pt 1) – From The Auto… http://youtu.be/iccAwGXox7k?a #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Much More World's Funniest Car Commercials (Pt 3) – From… http://youtu.be/GVJtCAf4l8U?a #
- I favorited a YouTube video — My Cubicle video remix http://youtu.be/rC0Nsba1fWQ?a #
Month: February 2010
Fighting Adobe AIR on Fedora 12
Until now I was completely and totally ignoring Adobe AIR. Â As far as I was concerned, it existed in a separate universe. Â But recently, quite a few Adobe AIR applications started to come up on my radar that I wanted to try. Â Yesterday, for example, I saw the Flickrroom, which sounds exactly like something that I need. Â So, I searched yum repositories, and then Google, and then I found this blog post, which provides clear instructions on how to install Adobe AIR on Fedora Linux. Â Followed everything to a step, and failed. Â Then Googled for more, tried, and failed. Â And no matter what I do, it seems to fail miserably.

As far as I can judge, Adobe AIR is installed on my system. Â I see two items in the main menu and they even work when I run them. Â But when I try to install any Adobe AIR application, I get a well known error message.
$ Adobe\ AIR\ Application\ Installer /home/leonid/Desktop/Flickroom.air Application crashed with an unhandled SIGSEGVCrashlog has been dumped in /tmp/airCrashLogs/0219_1359_vG6AfW
This seems to indicate that I missing some dependency on my system, but I can’t which one. I’ve installed and updated everything that I could find a reference to. Â I’ve also looked through the crash dump for any hints, but nothing jumped at me.
Any ideas?
Inglourious Basterds, art, Haiti
UnrealityMag runs a post with a whole bunch of posters for “Inglourious Basterds” movie. Â These posters were drawn by various artists and are now collected into an exhibition. Â But not only that! Â Quentin Tarantino himself, signs the posters, which are being sold and all the money donated to help with the recent Haiti disaster. Â Is that cool or what? Â Check the link for more posters.
Coffee talking
Lots of snow
If you are in the mood for some cold weather, ice and snow, check out these pictures. Â It’s amazing what mother nature can do sometimes.
My dad told me a story of a similar snow fall that he experienced once when he was a kid. Â They had to dig their way out of the house and into the main street. Â He said that they walked over the garden fence without even noticing it. Â This sounds awesome, but I bet you blisters from the shovel will cut into the fun part of it.