Until now I was completely and totally ignoring Adobe AIR. As far as I was concerned, it existed in a separate universe. But recently, quite a few Adobe AIR applications started to come up on my radar that I wanted to try. Yesterday, for example, I saw the Flickrroom, which sounds exactly like something that I need. So, I searched yum repositories, and then Google, and then I found this blog post, which provides clear instructions on how to install Adobe AIR on Fedora Linux. Followed everything to a step, and failed. Then Googled for more, tried, and failed. And no matter what I do, it seems to fail miserably.

As far as I can judge, Adobe AIR is installed on my system. I see two items in the main menu and they even work when I run them. But when I try to install any Adobe AIR application, I get a well known error message.
$ Adobe\ AIR\ Application\ Installer /home/leonid/Desktop/Flickroom.air Application crashed with an unhandled SIGSEGVCrashlog has been dumped in /tmp/airCrashLogs/0219_1359_vG6AfW
This seems to indicate that I missing some dependency on my system, but I can’t which one. I’ve installed and updated everything that I could find a reference to. I’ve also looked through the crash dump for any hints, but nothing jumped at me.
Any ideas?
rm -rf /etc/opt/Adobe/certificates/crypt/
(back it up first if you wish like i did)
Then install like this, instead of the way you tried:
su – /opt/Adobe\ AIR/Versions/1.0/airappinstaller /home/leonid/Desktop/Flickroom.air
Worked for me ;-)
thanks for the tip. Worked like a charm! :)