Yesterday, I’ve survived another party. Nobody knows what we were celebrating, but we did it properly. Loads of drinks, plenty of food, and some new people. Altogether it worked out pretty good. Click on the image above to see more pictures. I’ll go rest now…
Year: 2007
Weather shakes my mood
During the last few days I was surprised to find out how dependant my mood is on the weather. On sunny days, I am all positive and happy. Even if things don’t come together, I don’t care. I smile and feel good anyway. On sunless days, it’s quite the opposite. Even if everything goes as planned, and there is no reason to worry, I feel worried. And depressed. I’ve heard about these phenomenon before, but I’ve never experienced it myself.
If you are interested in this matter and how it affects people, check the Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and Vitamin D pages over at Wikipedia.
On one hand, I’m not having it to those extremes just yet. On the other – I never paid any attention to weather changes. I must be getting older…
Going for president? Think again
Computerworld quotes Eric Schmidt, Google CEO:
In the coming years, governments will have to deal with a series of questions as more people come online, he said.
The second billion internet users will often compare the way their countries govern with other governments, he predicted. “They’re going to see their government has been treating them badly,” he said. “They’re going to be annoyed.”
Via Google Blogoscoped.
Indeed, it’s not a secret that technology changes our lives pretty fast. Governments are lacking behind already. And that is in times when the majority of people are still offline. Interesting times are ahead of us…
People rulez, civilization sux
As much as I love people on an individual level, I hate them all on a more global scale. Our civilization sux. And the ones that were before us, it seems, weren’t any better. I’ve been thinking a lot about this, but this post on Slashdot made me blog about it. It’s about space junk.
One hundred years is a barely noticable period of time, when speaking about universe, space, and planets. But we, humans, haven’t been off our planet even for so long. Barely half of that time. And we have already put so much junk in space around our planet, that it becomes the problem of our own.
According to NASA officials, the amount of stuff we’ve put into LEO (Low Earth Orbit) is at critical levels.
We probably haven’t even developed a way to collect all that crap yet, but we are putting so much of it out like we aren’t planning to fly around our own planet no more. I wonder how much time it will take for Greenpeace to extend it’s efforts into space…
On a larger scale, I think, our attitude towards environment will kill us. And maybe, maybe the next civilization will be slightly better in this regard.
On reliability of Google products and services
“I should have known better than to use a free Google product for business purposes.” Scott told us in a recent interview. “Google Pen is fine for home use, but not when my company’s productivity is on the line. I had to switch pens in the middle of taking notes. There’s no telling how much data I lost.”
Oh, boy…