Relaxing blogging policy

It’s been long two years since I’ve started blogging seriously. In March of 2004 I decided that I should write at least one post a day – every day of week, holiday or not. Or at least I should think of (write mentally) at least one blog item a day and then post it whenever I have the time.

For the last two years, there weren’t a day that I don’t have a post for. On the contrary, there are many more days when I thought of multiple posts, than days when I wrote just one time.

My blogging went through a lot of evolution in this last two years. I started with simple posts – just a couple of sentences or a link to some interesting website. There was no theme or direction in most of my early posts. I was just writing about everything and anything.

With time, writing posts became much easier for me. I could go on and on for paragraphs and paragraphs. My blogging interests started to shape.

Looking at my recent posts, I started noticing several major trends in interests. These deserved attention and separation. Thus my blogging network started to expand.

Now I feel comfortable with everything I’ve done. And I think that the time came to make my life a little bit easier. My policy ‘at least one post each day’ needs a change. From now it won’t be limited by this blog alone. I will still be writing at least one post a day, but this post might be for any one of my blogs – here, my parenting blog, Cyprus Scout, Filmocular, My Pod Voice, my LiveJournal blog, XA-XA-XA, or any other blog that I might start/join in the future. I will try to keep them all equally updated, but as you can understand – that’s quite a job. So, if you’d notice that this or that blog lags behind, don’t get too grampy – I am trying my best.

Now… this takes care of today…

Daily bookmarks

Shared bookmarks for user tvset on 2006-03-25

Filmocular – my movie reviews blog

I’m doing it! I’m doing yet! Yes, I’m finally doing it!

I have decided to separate my movie reviews from my personal blog.  Rarely any of you are interested in my reviews, and those of you who are can read them now at I won’t post anymore movie reviews here – be warned. won’t have anything much except for movie reviews.  Maybe, occasionally a link to an interesting interview or trailer will popup, but I don’t think that that will happen very often.

Since is very specialized website, I thought it would be a good idea to try and make some money out of it.  Google Adsense program was among the first things that I’ve installed, but by far not the only.  For every movie I will also provide links to online shops – Amazon for DVD shopping and Movie Poster for posters.  (These might change in the future.)  I have signed up for affiliate/associate programs with all those shops and hopefully will be getting few cents here and there.  So, if you’re going to buy anything from any of those shops, I’d appreciate a lot if you could do it through

I still haven’t finished with configuration of the website and a lot is still missing.  ‘About’ page will be up shortly.  Also, there will be a lot of listings/searches by film genres, years, and people in the crew and cast.  These all is coming very soon.  (I am pushing this announcement out earlier, so that search engines and aggregators could catch-up in time.)

Content-wise, from now on I will be posting all my movie reviews straigt to  I will be also copying movie reviews that I have written for this site.  That should give me a nice starting point of above zero content value.

You’re welcome to visit, bookmark, promote, and critique the site, as usual.  All help and feedback is much appreciated.

Daily bookmarks

Shared bookmarks for user tvset on 2006-03-24

Freaky silence

Maxim and I were on our way to the park today, as usual. We were passing by the Starbucks joint, when I got a little bit freaked out by a group silence.

Starbucks was full of school kids. They were all enjoying their cappuchinos and espressos, talking as loud as kids do. There was this constant buzz in their and about 100 meters around. But, suddenly, when Maxim and I were approaching the cafe, ALL of those kids looked at us and shut up.
Now, I’m not your average where-is-my-panic-button guy. I try to keep my alert levels up at all times, and so I am not easily caught off guard. But this was definitely the moment.

I used my side sight to carefully look around. Nothing suspecious. Then I checked the shadows and reflections around me to see if they would give me any hint of danger. Nope. Everything is clear. I then looked around and slowed down almost to a stop.

Got it!

The kids weren’t actually looking at me. Their focus was on behind of me, where was this policeman, who just arrived, and who stopped a small bike with a couple of teenagers who were driving without helmets.

Oh, let’s what it is! Kids, bikes, helmets, and the policeman! Now I could relax.

It seemed that most of the kids in the Starbucks arrived there on a bike. Obviously, most of them didn’t have either helmets or proper documents. And that got them all very worried when they so the police work.

Whooh. Nothing to see here. Catch your breath. Move along.