Tagging tips

I am a great fan of tagging.  I find it to be very easy and very effective.  There are, of course, a couple of minor problems with tagging.  These have more to do with the way my mind works, rather than with actual tagging itself.

The first issue I have is about user interface.  I see two approaches used most commonly.  One approach is to ask the user to enter each tag separately.  One by one.  This is a real pain, if you want to add more than one tag.  It is unbearable pain, if you want to add more than ten tags.  The second approach is way better in this regard, but introduce the problem of it’s own.  The approach I am talking about is the use of single input field, where the user can type as many tags as he wants, which are then automatically separated by the sofware.  This is so much better and easier.  But the common problem with thisis the deference in tag separator.  Some applications use a space, others a comma.  There are pros and cons to both of these.  And  I don’t have a strong preference in the matter (a weak preference is a space).  But what is often missing is the simple instruction underneath the input field which separator to use.  Tagging has become a common practice for many sites, and when these sites differ in the way they handle data, it is difficult fo the user to remember, which site uses which method.  Adding a sentence like ‘Use space to separate multiple tags.’ is so easy, but too few actually do it.

The second issue is of the good practices.  There is no strict guidelines or rules around tagging, which leads to great flexibility.  But great flexibility without any guidelines leads to great confusion.  My most often confusion is with singular versus multiple form of words.  Should I use ‘blog’ or ‘blogs’, ‘feed’ or ‘feeds’?  I happen to think differently at different time of day.  It would be nice to have a reminder somewher nearby, saying ‘Use singular form of word, if in doubt’.  Or something like that.

That I’ve finished writing this post, I suddenly remembered that I have posted something similar to this somewhere already.  Oh, well – too bad.

Daily del.icio.us bookmarks

Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user tvset on 2006-03-27

The ultimate solution for problem solving

I believe I have figured it out completely now. Every problem in the Universe has a solution. And not only that, but you can find the solution yourself. If you searched enough, but never figured it out, then here is a little tip for you.

Get youself an IRC client. Start the program and go the settings, where you can specify servers and channels to connect to. In the servers list you should have irc.freenode.net. This is the one where all the smart people hang out (those who hang out on IRC at all). Got it? Good.

Now you need to /join two channels – #perl and #math. That’s it. Seriously.

Don’t believe me? Try it out. These people are both willing and smart enough to help you with any problem of yours – technical or not. And every problem out there can be figured with enough math knowledge and processing power. #math people have the knowledge. #perl people will help you gain the processing power. And the ultimate thing is that while they speak two different languages, they can switch to a dialect that is understood in both of these groups.

Let the problem solving begin.

P.S.: Until today I thought that #perl only is enough on it own. I was wrong and I do appologise for any misleadings.

Daily del.icio.us bookmarks

Shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user tvset on 2006-03-26

New time yet again

Daylight saving time (DST) often catches me by surprise.  Today it happenned again.

And not only I was completely unaware of the time change, but I was also refusing to accept the fact of the new time.  I looked at Olga’s desktop and saw the time being one hour ahead of what I cosidered correct.  This happens somtimes, because Maxim likes to play with the mouse, clicking and dragging everywhere, causing the change in displayed timezone.  I then checked my watch and the time was correct.  The fact that my watch doesn’t have the ‘automatically adjust to summertime’ functionality didn’t bother me.  I then continued with the check – my mobile.  My mobile has the automagic feature, but I switched it off on purpose.  So the check was useless.

And even when outside and people were telling me to adjust my watch, I was arguing that they should do so themselves, because DST change always happens on Sunday.  Hello?  Anybody home?  Today is Sunday!  I guess I should sleep more often…