Bad morning. Bad!

I just woke up and logged in. News time. I navigated to Bloglines, but it greeted me with “There is a problem with the database. Please try again later”. I thought – “yeah, well, that’s perfect time to read something that I’ve bookmarked a long time ago and never had a chance to come back to”. So I tried to load my Delicious bookmarks. Nope, no chance. I got only “ is down for maintenance. we’ll be back in one hour.”…

Oh, my! What’s going on? Who’s next? Slashdot? Google? I rushed to check both of them, but they seem to be OK. Good. I’ll have something to read for the next hour.

On life expectancy

I had a revelation this morning. It was about life expectancy.

In most countries women have higher life expectancy than men. That basically means that women live longer. The reasons may vary. But one of them got stuck in my head like a dream or something:

Women generally don’t drink ten pints of beer every Friday in a heavily smoked pub and then street race their way back home. Like their husbands do.

Purhaps it has something to do with life expectancy. Purhaps it doesn’t. I just liked how it sort of appeared in my head and got stuck there.

Back. Forth. And back again.

I am screwing around with my picture gallery yet again. It’s been through a lot of permutations and it’ll still have to see some more.

I am moving off the Gallery and back to Dave’s album. This time though Dave’s album will have some heavy weight support from KimDaBa.

By now I am convinced that there is just no software package which works the same way I do. Each assumes a different workflow, but it’s never mine. So instead of moving back and forth, I should use the combination of programs that solves my needs.

KimDaBa is an outstanding image manipulation software. It’s just what I need for sorting pictures, tagging them, identifying people and locations, slideshows, etc. It supports exporting to HTML, but not the way I want it to. Dave’s album on the other hand is perfect for web albums. At least to the level that I need. It doesn’t do much of the rest though.

The good thing is that both KimDaBa and Dave’s album support plugins, have extensive documentation, and are Open Source. That means that customizing either one of them will be much easier than it could have been in other cases.

So, things will be shaky for the next few days, but I hope that you won’t notice any major evil.