Jam + toast + me + camera = picture of the day

Today’s picture or rather pictures of the day are inspired by this post. If you don’t speak read Russian or simply too bored lazy to check that link out, I’ll translate and summarize it for you.

Basically, there is this guy who suggested to all his LiveJournal readers to do a mini-task in photography. He asked everyone to make three photographs without leaving the apartment (or office, or wherever you are). You can’t use pictures that you made previously. You can’t manipulate images too much in graphics editing software – cropping and adjusting levels and curves is fine, but pretty much everything else is left out for the next task. Still you are free to photograph whatever you want (people, still life, landscapes or city line from your window, etc) in any manner you want (documentary, abstract, macro, surrealism, etc).

After you are done, post your three images in the comments to his post. That is in addition to anywhere else you might consider posting those. Feel free to promote the action – more people participate, the better.

Now, as much as I like this kind of tasks, I felt a little down after reviewing some of the images in the comments to the post. All of them were technically excellent. Many had interesting ideas. Some had a series-like connection.

One common thing through all the submission was that they were all out of my league. So, instead of grabbing the camera, I though – “Mkay, let me have a toast. I saw some orange jam in the kitchen which will be perfect as a complement…”.

So I went to the kitchen to make a couple of toasts. While I was standing over the toaster waiting for the bread to brown up, I had an enlightment. Who cares, right? I’ll just grab my camera and I’ll photograph my toasts, jam, and happy me eating those.

I rushed back to the living room, got the camera, emptied the flash card, and returned to the kitchen. Toasts were almost done so I didn’t have much time – there is no way I’m making more toasts just to make a couple of pictures. Too late in the day for that.


Bread hell

This one is called “Bread hell”. Just imagine – they make you, then they slice you into pieces, then you are shoved into a plastic bag, then you grabbed, thrown in another bag, shaken on the road, unpacked, thrown into toaster, and if that wasn’t enough, had some orange sticky jam spread all over you and consumed by a person with a mouthful of bad teeth. Now that’s a life of a loser!

While I was thinking about the wonders of life, my bread slices were done and it was time to prepare for a meal.


Yummy time

That’s how little I need for happiness. No tea or coffee, no tissues, no newspaper. I’ve overdone it with the plate and spoon already…



Toasts are done, but there is still some jam left…

Looking back at the last 10 minutes, I have to admit that it didn’t went as bad as I thought it would. Of course, I made a bit more frames than three, but there was no limitation in frames – was there? I selected this three photograph from the total of five that I left in my album.

Mission accomplished.

Album location: /photos/2005/2005-12-04_POTD/

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