Bits and pieces

New WordPress plugins appear every day or so it seems. Old ones are improving at a constant rate too. Once in a while I revisit plugin directories to see if anything worth installing or upgrading had appeared. Today I discovered a couple of new plugins that I decided to install.

  • Rate My Stuff is one of straight forward plugins that add a nice touch to the website. It allows to show those small stars when posting a rating of something. I thought since I have so many movie reviews, it would be a good idea to have the stars added to them. So I installed the plugin, resized the original images to smaller versions (15×15 pixels) and wrote a small perl script (; make sure that you have a fresh backup of the databases) to update all movie posts o’mine.
  • pluginsUsedPlugin does a very simple, but useful job. It tells everyone what plugins are installed and activated for the current WordPress installation. I have added the list of currently active plugins to the About page. The list is dynamic and thus always up to date. All plugins in the list are linked to the appropriate websites where they could be downloaded.

I’ve also found a couple of other plugins that I am planning to install, but they require some work on my behalf and so I left them for after I’ve slept.

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