Finding files in Linux

Many beginning Linux users experience difficulties getting used to the filesystem structure. Indeed, there are many files and directories, the structure of which are not as obvious as it could be. Choosing an appropriate location for a new file or directory is difficult and many choose to follow their own instincts.

With more experience, the file hierarchy becomes clearer and old concepts of placing files and directories start to fade out. When it happens, finding things becomes difficult. It is than that users learn that Linux has many tools for finding things. And it is than that they become confused once again.

Read on for a quick introduction into searching tools available in Linux.

Continue reading Finding files in Linux

7 month

It’s 23rd once again and that can only mean one thing – Maxim is one month older. He is 7 month old today.

There aren’t that many new skills that he had learned during this month. He was mostly busy with improving his old ones.

He can stand up all by himself now, holding onto something. Often Olga or I would find him standing in his bed when we come to pick him up in the morning. He also likes to stand up near the couch where he feels more confident doing so, because of either Olga’s or mine presence. Maxim is also experimenting with other places – he doesn’t know yet what will hold and help him and won’t.

With all these standing up, he got a lot of chances to improve on his falling skills. He’s not falling straight down onto his face anymore. Or at least not that often. He falls either on one of his sides and uses hands to prevent injuries, or he chooses to land on his butt.

One of those few new skills that he had learned this month is taking and holding the spoon. He can also put it properly into his mouth. Interesting to note that he recognizes all spoons, not only the baby spoons that we use to feed him. Of course, we don’t yet count on him feeding himself.

As his birthday present, we starred Maxim in the movie. I borrowed the camera from Vladimir again and we documented all Maxim’s s new skills and some of the old ones. We also filmed him while swimming in the sea and taking a bath.

On to the next one…

Sleepless night

Yesterday I made a big mistake. After I came home from work and found everyone sleeping, I should have gone to bed myself. But instead I went to see the list of things that I wanted to do, but skipped. And I found this post bookmarked there.

Transport Tycoon Deluxe is one of the most addictive games I ever played. Fromt the first sight it looks overly complicated. After an hour or so it looks oversimplified. And than you just lose the track of time. I knew that, because I played it many times before.

And even knowing that I still did the download. It installed easily without any problems what-so-ever. And I decided to try if it runs OK…

10 hours later Olga was trying to kick me out for a walk with Maxim. After a short battle she succeded. But I was back in three hours. And played for 4 more. Than I just had to go to sleep…

Daily bookmarks

Shared bookmarks for user tvset on 2005-09-21

Transporter 2

I’ve been eager to see “Transporter 2” since I finished watching the first film. I got my dirty hands on it today. Finally!

Directed by: Louis Leterrier
Genres: Action, Crime, Thriller
Cast: Jason Statham, Alessandro Gassman, Amber Valletta, Kate Nauta, Matthew Modine, Jason Flemyng, Keith David, Hunter Clary, Shannon Briggs, François Berléand, Raymond Tong, George Kapetan, Jeff Chase, Gregg Weiner, Gregg Davis
IMDB raintg: 6.3
My rating: 8.5 [rate 8.5]

Continue reading Transporter 2