Feed Map

I came across an excellent tool – FeedMap.net. It brings blogs (or RSS feeds) and maps together. One can add a site either with address fields or longitude/latitude location and FeedMap.net will generate a map to use on the site. It can also optionally show other bloggers in the region.

I just had some fun with the site, though it seems a bit buggy with often ‘Requst Timed Out’ errors. For some reason it also accepts only one coordinate for Cyprus – 35.1383828832779, 33.4352103269381 – which is a bit off for my case. It points to somewhere near Nicosia, Strovolos area.

I was also surpised to see that my blog was already submitted. I don’t know who did it, but to return the favour I added a few other blogs that I know the location of. Correcting the information is as easy as submitting the blog address with the new location information.

I’ve also included the BlogMap in my Blogroll page, so that I can easily find and use it.


My ISP – Thunderworx – is having some problems with the outbound connection. Because of this my site might not be accessible from far far away. Also, there are slow downs with Google Ads. Hopefully the issue will be resolved shortly.

In the meantime I can’t do much to help…

Moblogging with WordPress and P800

Leonid in the park

One of the things that annoy me about technology is the amount of useless abbreviations and acronyms. Moblogging is one of them. Moblogging stands for mobile blogging, which was supposed to mean blogging from some mobile device, such as cell phone, smartphone, PDA, etc.

So here I am sitting in the park with my son and writing this post from my SonyEricsson P800. Does it matter? I think not. I can do all I want from here. All WordPress functionality is available to me. I can even take and post pictures, if I feel like it.

So, I wonder, why do we need yet another acronym, that adds or imoroves nothing?

Maxim in the park

Managing RSS subscriptions with Bloglines

While trying to convince the administrator of Cyprus Forum to add RSS feeds, I’ve wrote this rather long post that explains what is RSS, why one would want to use it, and how to use Bloglines to manage one’s RSS feeds.

Nothing new and fancy – just a simple explanation for RSS newcomers, with a screenshot of my Bloglines interface. You might find it useful. Or you might find it not. I’ll leave that up to you.

Test of the new schedule

Maxim’s daily schedule is variable. Both Olga and I are trying to keep it as constant as possible but it moves around alot anyway. We try to bath, walk, feed, play, and put Maxim to bed at the same time every day, but he gets to choose on how closely to follow the scheme. He gets that choice by sleeping. We don’t ever wake him up. If he wants to sleep 4 hours instead of 2 – let him do it. If he decides to skip some sleep – again, the choice is his. And this seemed to work just fine.

But for the last couple of days, the routine changed noticably. Maxim decided that he needs more sleep. So he eats his dinner at around 18:00, than stays awake for an hour or so, and than falls asleep and does not wake up until just after the midnight. We used to bath him at around 21:00, but now we have to sit and wait until he wakes up. At midnight he opens his eyes, has a bath, eats and than immediately falls asleep and sleeps until roughly 04:00am. At that time he eats once again and falls asleep quickly to continue his dreams until around 07:00am. This time he eats, and goes for a walk in the park or on the seaside, where he decides wheather to sleep some more or stay awake and enjoy the outside.

With this new schedule he sleeps straight for 13 hours with a couple of small breaks. That’s a lot. On the other hand it is supposedly good as it gives us more free time. Because the schedule is rather new, neither of us knows what to do with this time though. I am still afraid and not trying to get used to this scheme as it might change in the next few days. I’ll be disappointed than.

Anyway, we’ll see how it goes from here. For now I’ll go have some sleep…