Pictures from our wedding party

Me and Olga

I know I have promised for a long time now to scan and upload pictures from Olga’s and my wedding party. It’s been more than two years now and I was always either busy, poor, lazy, or looking for the film rolls. Finally, I managed to push myself together and get it done.

The photoalbum is here. Pictures are not in chronological order. Processing and scanning was done in the photostudio and they have some strange orders there. Maybe I will find some time now to sort them properly, but, at the end of the day, there is no much of a difference.

Film rolls weren’t kept under optimum conditions and, it seems, they suffered quiet a lot. Pictures are very grainy and low resolution, but I guess it will be OK for the web. Maybe later (again) I will try to scan the hard copies that I have (some are missing) and compare the results. If I get any better, I’ll post them instead.

Thanks to my brother who was always busy making pictures while everyone else was enjoying the food and drinks. Great job!

Fixed ‘Vim for perl developers’ for Konqueror

Vim for perl developers was terrible broken when viewed with Konqueror. I guess noone uses Konqueror to view it or any feedback wasn’t possible either, because noone ever told me about the problem. Anyway, I have miracleusly found out about it myself and fixed it immediately. You can enjoy the post now with yet another browser.

On naming a baby

For some time now, Olga and I are not trying to agree on a name for our baby. It seems that we every name that she likes, I cannot stand. Every name that is OK with me, she hates. We managed to locate a few names which don’t cause any major reactions on anyone’s part, but those will need to be sorted out to.

In order to minimize the amount of drama in this area, we decided to wait until we know the gender of the kid. That will cut half of the names right there. And that should happen somewhere around 18th of October, during our second major ultrasound test. The only indication we had so far was “It looks like a boy, but you’ll know it on ultrasound examination.”. Heh, we’ll see.

Meanwhile, I came across a website with lots and lots of examples of bad names for kids. Check it out here.

Creative Anniversary Calculator

Some people just love to celebrate every and any date. One of the favourite dates to celebrate is usually a birthday. Or a mark of some period since some important event.

I came across an excellent Create Anniversary Calculator, which allows one to celebrate a lot more birthdays than usual. For example, you can celebrate your birthday in seconds, minutes, hours, days or weeks. Or you can even go totally nuts and use years of some other planet, like Venus or Mercury. It also has two modes of operation – significant dates and less significant dates. In significant dates mode you’ll get dates which are totally round, like 100 or 1,000. In less significant dates mode, you’ll have more reasons to celebrate with dates like 150 and 1,500.

Never miss you Martian birthday ever again!

Picture of the day

Building for X-MenOlga and I went for a short walk today. For some strange reason, I’ve been seeing ‘X’s all over the place. I’ve seen an unfinished building with lots of ‘X’s in it, a sign pointing into direction of Xception cafe, a photo studio Kodak eXpress, and few others. Not all of these were photographable, but I managed to make a couple of shots. Check them out here.

I have also noticed that ‘Picture of the day’ project does improve my vision of things. I have started to notice photographs everywhere and I started to care about thing around me much more. Olga and I were sitting in the cafe, eating ice-cream, and she was so beautiful that I wanted to make a picture of her like this, but somehow my eye noticed by itself that there is a closed umbrella behind Olga that will look ugly on the photograph and that there is an ugly tungsten lamp on the right of her, which would spoil the picture too. I than tried to rearrange the frame mentally, but by the time I was done, the atmosphere was gone. At least I haven’t made yet another disappointing picture and saved the web from another portion of crap. Good me.