Wanna learn Japanese?

LaughIf you ever were, are, or will be thinking about learning Japanese language, you should read this small essey on the subject. Even if you are not going to think about learning Japanese, you should still read this essay, because, I am telling you, it is one of the funniest things I’ve read in recent years.

The only Japanese that I “know” is “Kuma yo oyabun?” which supposedly means “Who is your boss?”. It was translated by some unknown guy into Russian from English subtitles of some American action movie of the 80s. That is one reliable source. :)

Breaking news

I am not telling you any breaking news this time. I am posting this just to mark some special event that happened today. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to talk about it yet, but I hope one day it will change, the NDA will fall, and I will tell you all about it. Meanwhile, you can go watch cartoons, which are not as bad for you as some breaking news on TV…

Note to hazard: see, no links. :)

Kite Aerial Photography

Kite Aerial Photography website covers an interesting topic of having a photocamera attached to some flying object, such as a kite or model airplane. Scott Haefner covers all corners from camera mounting and remote control to transmitters and suspension. There are also albums full of aerial pictures and links to other resources (articles and news).

Interestingly, kites and model airplanes can provide a cheaper alternative for those photographers who love “view from above”. If altitudes, distances, or vibration are not satisfactory for actual photography, this approach can be used for intelligence service. Real photosession will come cheaper, faster, and, what is more important, better prepared than.