My secondary workstation at the office finally got a fixed CD-ROM and a bigger hard drive. Immidiately downloaded Red Hat Beta (Limbo) and it now awaits testing. I just hope that I will install it before the final version of Red Hat Linux 8.0 will come out.
Month: August 2002
Testing Mozilla 1.1
Nothing much happening, so I’ve decided to test out Mozilla 1.1 beta before final will come out. Building RPM based on 1.0.0 version started complaining about 1.0.0 specific patches and reminded about long-needed upgrade of my office workstation.
Posting catch-up
It’ve been a long time since last update. Here is what I am up to:
- I am working on a new site, which will merge this site and my home portal. Among other things, there will be interface for submitting news like this one, instead of editing html files.
- I am working on a project for school/college management. It is too early to talk about it yet, but I am aiming at creating a free solution for educational institituion management, which will include things like: schedule generation, students/classes/courses management, students’ grades and quality control, and much more. Stay tuned…
- I have been also occupyied a lot by my primary work. Videowalls, migration to Linux, and some other things got me blown away. Now, with the enterprise subscription to the Red Hat Network, I hope I’ll get some more time freed.