Very quick pass through 100% of Quake

Quake, a revolutionary game released back 1996, is awesome even by today’s standards. Maybe the visual effects have moved up a notch or two in the modern games, but the game play, the maps, the balance of the weapons – all these are much harder to figure out and Quake still kicks butt of the most modern games in those aspects.

Today, via Goblin, I came across these awesome video – a guy is going through Quake levels as fast as he possibly can, but at the same time, opening each and every secret place and killing each and every monster. That’s a 100% pass! Most of us, even hardcore gamers who finished the game back in 1996, haven’t seen every corner of every map. Now is the chance.


It takes only a minute or so per level. The precision and the speed are mesmerizing, sucking into the monitor. The sounds and familiar locations bring back nostalgic memories. I almost want to install Quake on my laptop and give it another go through. Maybe now, in 2011, I have a machine to run it at full speed.

Michael Winslow : Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin

If you are not a teenager or a pensioner, you should remember a rather successful comedy “Police Academy“. It was so good they made 6 sequels. It was about a bunch of cadets going through the training in the police academy. One of the cadets, played by Michael Winslow – cadet Larwell Jones – had an interesting talent. He could make all sorts of sounds – police car sirens, gun shots, TV noises, and so on and so forth.

Back then only a few people knew that Michael Winslow does indeed have such a talent. He is now known as a man of 10,000 sound effects. And I must say that with years, his skill only grew and improved. There are quite a few videos of him on YouTube, but this one in particular will amaze you, I promise. He is doing a cover on the Led Zeppelin’s song Whole Lotta Love.
