Free tests at Brainbench

It’s been a really long while since I looked at I used to take a lot of tests an even have few certificates from the early days. I even remember when it was called something else.

Anyway, today I got reminded about this huge repository of tests and certifications and I decided to check it out. Overall there are more than 600 tests that cover a large part of both practical and theoretical computer industry. Here is the list of free tests that you can take.

Just to see if I still have it I took a couple. And passed. The results weren’t as high as they could have been because I wasn’t fully focusing and I was in the middle of the noisy office, but I am satisfied anyway. Check the results below, if you are interested enough.

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Corporate barbeque party


I spent most of the day today at a sort of corporate party, that was up in the mountains and involved lots of barbequed meat and beer. Many people has quit the company since our last corporate party. And many new has joined. So it was a good thing to meet up at socialize.

Album location: /photos/2005/2005-10-28_Barbeque

New location for the work desk

For the last five years that I have been working for my current employer, I have changed only two work places. Both of them had me sitting with my back towards the door. Sitting with my back to the door or room entrance is by far my most hated position.

Today I moved my workplace to a new location. Luckily, I don’t have to sit with my back to the door anymore. Now it’s on my right side. Not perfect, I know. But at least an improvement.

Next level at the game of Google

With all this Google stuff, I feel like I am in the game. I am going from one level onto the next. I just learned that I have passed the previous level. I am up for the next.

Someone will call me on Thursday for the technical interview. I’m overexcited. Wish me good luck!