Kubernetes, Kubeadm, and the AWS Cloud Provider

Scott Lowe shares an updated setup of Kubernets on the Amazon AWS. This blog post covers some of the bits in Kubeadm, which have been updated and improved, since his previous post on the subject some time last year.

If you are working with Amazon AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, VMWare, or other related technologies, I can’t recommend his blog high enough.

7 ways to do containers on AWS

7 ways to do containers on AWS” covers a variety of different ways to run containers on the Amazon AWS cloud infrastructure.  These include most of the usual suspects, like Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS), and hand-rolled vanilla containers on EC2, as well as a few lesser known ones like templated Kubernetes and Amazon Fargate.

A Practical Introduction to Container Terminology

A Practical Introduction to Container Terminology” is at the same time two things for me:

  1. The longest blog post that I’ve seen in a long time, if not ever.
  2. The best introductory tutorial into containers.

Strongly recommended.

Slimming down Docker images

It’s been a while since I posted anything about Docker.  That’s mostly because I still don’t really use it for anything – playing around locally, testing and learning doesn’t count yet.

But just to keep the ball rolling, here are a couple of handy links for the ideas on how to improve your Docker images, so that Docker uses much less space, benefits more from caching, and brings up the containers faster:

Both articles are around the same theme – choose your  base image carefully, try to minimize the layers, use only what you need, and don’t forget to clean up the disk space with “docker system prune“.

Persisting state between AWS EC2 spot instances

Persisting state between AWS EC2 spot instances” is a handy guide into using Amazon EC2 spot instances instead of on-demand or reserved instances and preserving the state of the instance between terminations.  This is not something that I’ve personally tried yet, but with the ever-growing number of instances I managed on the AWS, this definitely looks like an interesting approach.