vimrcfu – shared knowledge of vimrc

Dear all contributors to vimrcfu,

thank you very much for all my sleepless nights this week.  I’ve almost forgot how my bed looks like.  On the other hand, I’ve learned a tonne and have significantly rearranged my vimrc and related files, expanding it with new bits and pieces.

The sleep I can get back.  The awesome features of Vim at my fingertips now – couldn’t have happened without you.

You rock!

Best regards,

yours truly.

VimGolf – fun way to learn Vim

VimGolfVimGolf – a quick and fun way to learn Vim text editor.  There is a whole lot of different challenges for all levels – from novice to expert – that will test your knowledge of Vim trickery.

You can also review the solutions provided by other people, from shortest to the most readable.

tagbar-phpctags : Vim plugin for PHP developeres


If you are using Vim editor to write PHP code, you probably already know about the excellent tagbar plugin, which lists methods, variables and the like in an optional window split.  Recently, I’ve learned of an awesome phpctags-tagbar plugin, which extends and improves this functionality via a phpctags tool, which has a deeper knowledge of PHP than the classic ctags tool.

Once installed, you’ll have a more organized browser of your code, with support for namespaces, classes, interfaces, constants, and variables.

Vim 8.0 Released!

The team behind the greatest text editor of all times has release the new major version – Vim 8.0.  It’s the first major release in 10 years!  Brief overview of the changes:

  • Asynchronous I/O support, channels, JSON
  • Jobs
  • Timers
  • Partials, Lambdas and Closures
  • Packages
  • New style testing
  • Viminfo merged by timestamp
  • GTK+ 3 support
  • MS-Windows DirectX support

For a more complete list and details, have a look here.

The TL;DR summary: Vim provides a lot more power now to plugin developers, so we’ll be seeing a boost in both new functionality and old ways getting better.

Here is a mandatory Slashdot discussion with your usual Vim vs. Emacs flame.

P.S.: Emacs has recently released a major update too …

Micro – a modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor


Micro is a modern console based text editor, written in Go.  Version 1.0.0 has been recently released.  It’s cross-platform (installs as a single binary) and supports a variety of features:

  • Easy to use and to install
  • No dependencies or external files are needed — just the binary you can download further down the page
  • Common keybindings (ctrl-s, ctrl-c, ctrl-v, ctrl-z…)
    • Keybindings can be rebound to your liking
  • Sane defaults
    • You shouldn’t have to configure much out of the box (and it is extremely easy to configure)
  • Splits and tabs
  • Extremely good mouse support
    • This means mouse dragging to create a selection, double click to select by word, and triple click to select by line
  • Cross platform (It should work on all the platforms Go runs on)
    • Note that while Windows is supported, there are still some bugs that need to be worked out
  • Plugin system (plugins are written in Lua)
  • Persistent undo
  • Automatic linting and error notifications
  • Syntax highlighting (for over 75 languages!)
  • Colorscheme support
    • By default, micro comes with 16, 256, and true color themes.
  • True color support (set the MICRO_TRUECOLOR env variable to 1 to enable it)
  • Copy and paste with the system clipboard
  • Small and simple
  • Easily configurable
  • Common editor things such as undo/redo, line numbers, unicode support…

Although not yet implemented, I hope to add more features such as autocompletion, and multiple cursors in the future.

If you are looking for a new editor, give Micro a try.