Four month and counting

Maxim is four month today. Yes, that’s right – four! Once again I am amazed with time. On one hand it flies like a bullet, but on the other hand I realize how long ago some things were. Take for example Maxim’s day of birth. I though I would never forget is so strong it came to me. I though I’d remember every detail for the rest of my life. And now I am reading my blog posts of the time and trying to remember how exactly it went. It seems like an eternity passed, but it was only four month…

Continue reading Four month and counting

Relatives reloaded

Olga’s cousin – Tatiana Babenko – came to Cyprus again. Last time she was here with her sister Natalia in September 2004. It’s amazing how relative the time is. One one hand, it seems like only yesterday we had all this trips to beaches around the island. On the other hand, Olga was pregnant but her belly wasn’t even that obvious in September. And now Maxim is alsmost four month old and we see the world differently…

Anyway, Tatiana’s comeback is a good opportunity to shake our routine life. Especially Olga’s. She spends most of the time taking care and thinking about Maxim. She’s trying to maintain his schedule as close to the constant as possible. Now she’ll have to have some changes – with beaches, walks, etc.

We already visited Chesters for some snacks and drinks today and have a Kurium beach trip scheduled for tomorrow. It will be Maxim’s first beach visit. We wanted to do this for some time now, but were a bit afraid, although our pediatrician says that sea can do some good for the guy. Stay tuned for the report on how it will go and probably some pictures too…

Alternative etymology of the word ‘wise’

I had a revelation recently about etymology of the word ‘wise’. It came to me when I was reading and thinknig about different stages in child’s life. There is one particular period when a child asks one billion questions per second. ‘How does fridge work?’, ‘When did you and mama meet?’, ‘Why is the sky blue?’, etc. In Russian parenting books, this period is sometimes called ‘a why’s age’ (‘почемучки’), meaning an age where a child asks a lot of ‘Why?’ questions.

And than it hit me – why’s age. It sounds a lot like ‘wise’. And it can be connected too – asking lots of questions can make one wise.

I thought that I’ve discovered the etymology of ‘wise’ on my own, without any references. But when I decided to verify that it was indeed so, I found out that I was wrong. Online Etymology Dictionary has this entry for ‘wise’.

I like mine better anyway.

This rolling thing isn’t tough at all

It’s been only a couple of days since Maxim managed to roll from back to front on his own for the first time. Today he did it several times with no problems at all. It looked like a routine and took him on average less than a second to perform. How can that be? I mean, two days ago he is trying to do something so physically challanging that he sweats all over, becomes red, breathes heavily and looks totally exhausted after he turns around; and mere two days later this task is not any harder as, say, sucking his finger.

I am amazed shocked!